Amelia stares at me, and I see the light click on in her head. Fuck, she knows this isn’t about Garret at all. “Then he needs to be honest with the guy if he really wants to see what’s there. And I bet if the man truly cares for Garret the way I think he does, he’d be willing to take things slow, make sure Garret feels comfortable, and even compromise about not flashing his job in front of his face.”

I swallow down the emotion in my throat and turn to find Noelle and Charlotte staring at us.

“Um, wasn’t Garret born in New York?” Charlotte asks, her eyebrows scrunched together.

“He was, but there are farms in New York. Google it.”Sounding a little too defensive there, Penelope.

“I mean, I know. I just didn’t think—”

Luckily, Frankie comes by at that moment with our food, halting the conversation.

I pick up my glass and drink the rest of my mimosa as Amelia’s words sink in. And with a side glance in her direction, I realize she’s studying me like a math problem she’s trying to figure out.

I’d have to be honest with Maddox about why he scares me if I chose to explore this thing between us. It’s the only way he would understand why I’m so afraid.

But can I do that? Could I really open up that part of my past for a chance at a future?

More importantly, do I evenwantthat? I’ve been living my life for me for the past twelve years without ever considering dating another man. And now because ofoneguy, I’m willing to change all of that? That doesn’t sound healthy.

“It only takes one, you know. The right one.”

Noelle’s words pull me back to the conversation. “Wait, what?”

“Sperm. I had my second implantation almost two weeks ago, remember?”

“Oh, yes. That’s right.” Thankful that we’re moving on to a different topic, I immerse myself in the conversation. “So when can you take a test?”

“Technically, not until Wednesday, but I got a few of those that are supposed to detect early, so I might try one tonight or tomorrow.” She’s beaming with excitement, but I see reservation in her eyes, too.

Charlotte reaches for the champagne to fill us all up. “I would wait for the morning. They say your morning pee is the best one.”

“I know, I’m just excited. And nervous. I’m trying not to get my hopes up because being disappointed last time was rough. But I don’t know... I just feel good about it this time.”

I pull her into my side. “Then keep that positivity, and let us know as soon as you find out the results. I mean, we could all drive over in the morning and be there with you for support if you need us to. I can chant through the bathroom door while you pee if it will help.”

Noelle shoves me off. “I think I’ll be okay.”

“The offer still stands if you want it.”

For the rest of the meal, we discuss Charlotte’s upcoming wedding and the Puppy Palooza event next month that I was able to get the Bolts to be a part of.

By the time we’re all full and the champagne has worn off, I’m more than ready to head home and take a nap, which is what I do most Sundays after brunch. But as I head toward my car, Amelia comes up behind me and pulls on my arm.


I spin to face her, grateful that she’s alone. “What’s up?”

“I wanted to talk to you about Garret.”

“Oh.” My pulse instantly spikes. “Okay...”

“Garret isn’t the one who needs the advice, is he, Pen?”

Our eyes bounce back and forth as she waits for me to reply. And without thinking about it too hard, I finally cave. “I think you already know the answer to that question.”

“I think I do, too, but I want to hear you say it.”

“Yes,” I manage to croak out as she smiles softly. “I wasn’t talking about Garret.”