* * *

“Miss Klein, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Coach Williams comes up after my presentation to shake my hand.


“I really like your ideas and know that my players will be active participants as long as it doesn’t jeopardize their time on the field or potentially injure them.”

“That’s the last thing we want now, isn’t it, Coach?” I ask, and he nods. “With Palomar and Taylor at the helm this year, you need your offense in top shape if you’re going to win games, and I can respect that. But I also know that we need to highlight the bond between the offense, too. Look at Dak Prescott and Ezekiel Elliott of the Cowboys. Everyone loves the two of them together. Their bromance translates to chemistry on the field, and fans pick up on that. Hopefully, the next few months will strengthen the team in that manner as well, and you’ll be happy with the results you see on and off the grass, sir.”

His brow lifts as he nods again. “You’re right. Well, here’s hoping you can work your magic and that it will translate to some winning games.”

“I can do my best, sir. But you and I both know that winning games is your job.” I wink at him just as I feel large bodies come up behind me.

“Would it be inappropriate to tell you that listening to a woman talk about football like that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced?”

I twist to find Hayden Palomar smiling from ear to ear as he stares down at me. “Yes and no.”

Maddox comes up behind him and smacks him on the back of the head. “Yes, it’s fucking inappropriate. Now apologize.”

Hayden rubs the spot Maddox just hit. “Jesus, dude. Penelope just said we’re supposed to be building a bromance, and here you are, smacking me around.”

“Don’t act and talk like an idiot, and then you won’t get hit.”

Hayden tosses his thumb at Maddox. “My QB here seems to be in a mood.”

Now that I look at him, his demeanor seems a bit more intense than it was when he surprised me before the meeting.

“Your head is gonna get a few more hits if you don’t watch your mouth, Palomar.”

Vince Dayton comes up beside Maddox now and slings an arm over his shoulder. “Relax, Taylor. We’ve already talked about how Hayden has verbal diarrhea. And now we know it seems to get worse around a beautiful woman.” He extends his hand to me. “Vince Dayton. Nice to meet you, Miss Klein.”

“Penelope, please.”

“Penelope. Please, forgive my boys here. They don’t seem to know how to behave around women.”

“And you do?”

He grins. “My wife seems to think so.”

“Well, lucky her.”

“I’m the lucky one, Penelope. She puts up with my ass and this job. But I admire what you’re trying to do for this team, and I’m excited to be a part of it. I just wanted you to know that.”

“Well, I appreciate that, Vince. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m headed home to spend some time with the family. My girls are waiting for me in the pool, and I’d much rather be with them than referee these two idiots.”

“It was nice to meet you.”

“Likewise, Penelope. See you soon.” With a tip of his chin, he saunters off, leaving me with Maddox and Hayden standing next to me.

The room is mostly cleared out now, coaching staff returning to offices and players headed home since the workouts were earlier this morning. Liam is nowhere to be found. I’m guessing that means I’m free to leave as well, so I turn to start packing up my things. But all I feel is a searing heat on my back.

“Hey, Penelope?” Hayden says, pulling my eyes to him over my shoulder.


“In all honesty, I’m pumped about this. I know that giving back is one of the best things about this job, and I haven’t really had a chance to discover how to do that on my own. Last year was a blur just trying to survive my first season, so I’m eager to be everywhere you want me to be this summer, all right?” He leans in a little closer to me now. “And if you have any tips on my game, I wouldn’t be opposed to hearing them, too...”