“Ha! Yeah, they definitely can’t know, at least for the time being. Maybe soon I can introduce them to the team at an event or something and watch them all cry like teenage girls seeing *NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys in concert for the first time.” The girls giggle. “But I’m not happy about this new role of mine because my boss basically told me that I was taking on the client without considering all of the other accounts I’m managing right now. So now I have to dedicate my life to the team for the next few months as I try to make them look like one big happy family when they’re not tackling each other on a field, fighting over a football.”

“An entire football team? Of hot, muscular men in tight pants?” Noelle asks, now fully invested and looking like she’s feeling lighter than she was when she arrived. “That sounds like heaven to you, Pen. You’re sure you’re not going to enjoy this even a little bit?”

“Um, no. I don’t like dealing with athletes. Most of them are entitled assholes or have huge egos that truly need to be knocked down a peg or two.”

“Didn’t Maddox Taylor just get traded to the Bolts?” Amelia asks, pulling our attention to her. I arch my brow at her, and she continues. “What? I heard Ethan talking to Nick about it at dinner the other night.”

“Yes, he did. He actually came by the office with the team representative to meet me. And he’s probably going to be the biggest pain in the ass. And not the type of pain that actually feels good, like a decent spanking.”

“Well, if there’s anyone who can handle him, it’s you, Pen,” Charlotte declares. “You’ll put him in his place, I’m sure.”

Licking my lips, I tilt my head to the side. “I’m gonna try. It’s just... complicated.”

“How so?”

Frankie comes by and saves the day as he drops off our food. I peer up at him and smile. “God bless you, Frankie.”

“Miss Penelope, God blesses me every Sunday when I get to see you beautiful women.” He sets down ketchup, hot sauce, and extra napkins. “Is there anything else I can get for you ladies?”

“Everything is perfect, Frankie, including you.” I blow him a kiss before he walks away and then dig into my waffle with strawberries. I’ve been thinking about this for the past twenty-four hours, and it’s just as delicious as always.

“So if you only have one client, which I’m sure is a lot since it’s really an entire team, your work schedule should slow down a bit, right?” Amelia asks around a bite of her omelet.

“Yes and no. I have a few things to iron out this afternoon after I leave here so I can pass off a few accounts, but then I need to come up with a game plan to make these men uber-lovable and get the people of LA to care about their football team.”

“Let us know if there’s anything we can do to help you, Pen,” Amelia says. “Lord knows, I owe you a favor or two after how you helped me with Ethan.”

“I don’t think three-hundred vibrating dildos will help this situation, but I’ll keep your offer in mind. Thank you.”

Charlotte starts giggling. “I still can’t believe you did that.” Then she stops and stares at me. “Who am I kidding? Yes, I can. And what’s scary is that I know you’re capable of so much more.”

I point my fork across the table at her. “Damn right. And these men don’t know the half of it yet, but they’re about to find out what will happen if they mouth off to Penelope Klein.”

* * *

With renewed confidence in my ability to handle Maddox and keep things professional thanks to my girlfriends, I march into my office Monday morning with a list of ideas to put into motion before my first meeting with Liam to discuss strategy.

But in the back of my mind, I know the stakes are high here. Not only did I get the vibe from Liam that he doesn’t believe in my abilities, but if this whole process doesn’t go well, it’s my reputation on the line.

Being a woman in a field like PR still comes with stigma, particularly when it pertains to sports. I remember getting looks from men in college when I would show them up in football knowledge or disagree with a play called by a coach. And I hate when my integrity and skills are questioned, especially for no other reason than because of what I have between my legs.

But ultimately, my loyalty has to remain with Maddox and the team. No matter how awkward or unfortunate this situation is, I have a little bit of experience with people holding you to unrealistic expectations or believing the worst in you, and I’ll be damned if I let that happen to him, too. From what I’ve read in the past two days, a lot of outlets think he’s pissed about leaving New Orleans, and if so, then I need to show them he’s here for the long haul with confidence in his new team.

He definitely has the skills to take his team all the way, skills that had me riding his cock all the way to orgasm land.

Oh, Jesus. Here I am thinking about him again in a very unprofessional way. Perhaps the man has already burrowed himself into my subconscious and now I have a soft spot reserved for him and his dick.

If that’s the case, though, then it doesn’t look like things may pan out for me in the end.

Let’s just hope I can keep my legs closed in the process.



“You ready to get on the field today?” Hayden, our rookie running back, comes up to me as I close my locker door, and I jump.

This is only the third day I’ve been at the practice facilities, and of all my new teammates, Hayden has been the most welcoming. He’s also young and doesn’t think before he speaks.