“It may not be normal for you, but that’s exactly what you’re feeling.”

“Keep flattering yourself, Maddox. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go.” I move to push against his chest, but he reaches up and encircles my wrists with his hands, holding them tightly between us, brushing his thumbs over my skin.

“So that’s it? You’re ready for this night to be over?”

“You even said yourself that you didn’t expect anything, so...”

“I don’t. But you and I both know where this was headed.”

“Maybe I changed my mind.”

His face scrunches up. “I don’t think you did, because your body is telling me something completely different than what your mouth is.”

My heart rate picks up. “And what is that?”

His eyes dart to my neck as he presses the length of his body against mine. I can feel just how hard he is, which is making this entire situation even more difficult to navigate.

“Well, given I can see your pulse thumping in your veins, I’d say you’re turned on and scared. Also, your pupils are dilated, which could mean a multitude of things, but I’m going to chalk it up to the obvious fact that you want me just as badly as I want you. But mostly, all I can focus on is how your eyes are glittering from the light above us right now, and watching you debate what to do with yourself is turning me on even more. And your nipples are hard, but not as hard as my dick is right now, Penelope... because being pressed up against you is a thousand times better than I thought it would be when I first saw you tonight.”


“Give me tonight. Trust me to give us what we both need. Who wants to live life with regrets, right? Who wants to wonder ‘what if’?”

God, do I have experience in that area.

I take in shallow breaths as I slowly let myself melt back into the decision I had made earlier in our booth. But before I can say anything, he leans down and softly brushes his lips against mine. It’s so subtle, I would barely classify it as a kiss.

But the fireworks that explode in my nerve endings is enough to make me give in.

Maddox releases my wrists right before I reach up and grip the back of his neck to pull him down to me, pressing my lips harder against his mouth this time so he knows that I’m in. I’mallin, and I’m not backing out now.

My body wants this. My mind is made up. And my gut? Well, she’s not exactly on board, but that’s for a variety of other reasons I’d rather not process at this moment.

A deep groan travels up his throat, the vibrations hitting my tongue as he swipes his across mine and a whole new rush of desire runs through me.

“Fuck, Penelope...”

“Shut up, Maddox, and keep kissing me.”

He chuckles and then grabs on to my hips, pulling my pelvis toward him as our tongues tangle and my internal body temperature rises a few hundred degrees.

Then this kiss morphs into one that I feel all the way down to the tips of my toes.

My skin is on fire, my vagina is throbbing, and my lungs are fighting for air as we make out like two horny teenagers in the hallway of the club.

One of his hands finds my hair, burrowing deep in my thick tresses. He pulls just slightly as he maneuvers my head the way he wants, nipping and licking at every corner of my mouth until I can barely recall where I’m even at.

That is until he breaks me from the time warp we’d fallen into.

“Come back to my hotel with me,” he growls deeply as we part, heavy breaths mingling between us.

“I thought that was implied by that kiss. You’d better make this worth my while, Maddox Taylor.”

“If there’s one thing I know how to do well, it’s use my time and skills to the best of my ability, particularly under pressure.”

“I guess you might have some experience in that area.”

Pressing one more chaste kiss to my lips, he backs away, grabs my hand, and then leads me outside to a waiting car.