“Maddox! Maddox!”

I reach the microphone at the podium and adjust it so I don’t have to lean down. “Hello, everyone. If you could quiet down, please, I will address the reason I called this press conference today.”

The noise in the room decreases to a simmer, and then it becomes so quiet that I could hear a pin drop.

“I’m sure by now you’re aware that I am in a relationship with Penelope Klein, the PR rep the Los Angeles Bolts hired during preseason to help build up the image of our team. What you don’t know is that Penelope and I met long before I was ever a Bolt.”

Whispers commence.

“Both of us never anticipated my trade, but it happened, and everything that occurred after is something I will never regret. She told me we couldn’t be together because of our working relationship, but I wasn’t taking no for an answer. Call me stubborn, but when a man knows who he wants, he goes after her.”

Murmurs of laughter ensue.

“But here’s the thing about love. We can seek it out or try to avoid it, but ultimately, it finds you when it’s the right time. I am in love with Penelope Klein. She didn’t do anything questionable, except maybe decide to give me a chance.”

More reporters laugh.

“But I love her, and I won’t apologize for that. I won’t apologize for fighting for her because our love story hasn’t been easy, but it’s been entirely worth it.”

“What about the Bolts, Maddox?” A reporter shouts. “What do they have to say about your behavior? Do they think you’re too distracted by Miss Klein to focus on your game, on a position that they’re paying you a lot of money to play?”

“My love life and my ability to play football are two entirely different things, and they agree with me on that. I am dedicated to this team, optimistic about the season, and want the fans to know that my game will be even better because I have a woman by my side who loves the game and supports it, too. This was one instance in my life where those two things happened to intertwine.”

“Excuse me, I have a question,” a feminine voice calls out from the back of the room, but I can’t see a face.


“What did one butt cheek say to the other?”

I feel my mouth drop open as I pop up on my toes to search the room, hope blooming in my chest. “What?”

And then she stands in the back row, holding a microphone while answering, “Together, we can stop this shit.”

Chaos rings out as cameras flash and Penelope heads for the podium where I’m standing. My heart is thrashing against my rib cage as I watch her walk toward me as if in slow motion. When she reaches me, she looks up at me and says, “Hey.”


“You didn’t have to do this alone, you know.”

“I know, but I couldn’t get a hold of you to let you know my plans until this morning, and by then, I thought it would just be best to do this without your input because I’m not afraid to tell everyone how much I love you.”

Reporters are still shouting to the side of us, but right now, all I see is her.

“Is that how you think this is going to work, Maddox Taylor? That you’re going to just make decisions without consulting me first?”

“I think it will depend on the situation.”

“Well, as the new PR spokesperson for the Los Angeles Bolts, I’ll have you know that what you just did is exactly what I would advise—telling the truth and letting your feelings be known.”

“Wait, what? You’re—”

“Charles got me the job. He spoke with the owner, got Liam fired, and then told me they would be a fool not to hire me full-time to work for the franchise. So I guess I’m sort of your new boss.”

I wrap my arm around her waist, yanking her toward me. “Is that so?”

“Yeah. I mean, if you can handle it.”

“As long as I can still boss you around in bed, I’m okay with it.”