“Oh my God! Maddox!”

He leaps from the bed as I cover my mouth. My hands are shaking. “What?”

I hand him my phone as my feet begin to move, and I frantically search for clothes.

“Shit. Shit!” Maddox yanks on his hair. “What the fuck? Who took this?”

“Anyone could have, Maddox. We weren’t exactly paying attention to our surroundings at that moment.” I find a pair of clean slacks in my closet and start pulling them up my legs. “But now we have a much bigger problem on our hands.” I pull a blouse from a hanger, and after clasping a bra on my chest, I shrug it on. “Jesus, Charles is going to be livid with me. Fuck! This is exactly what we were trying to avoid.”

Maddox’s alarm goes off on his phone a few seconds later. “Fuck. I have to go. And I’m not going to be able to speak to you for days.”

Longing rushes through me. “I know. We’ll figure this out. There has to be a way for us to spin this.”

“If anyone can tackle this, it’s you, baby.” Maddox pulls my mouth to his and then kisses me like he won’t see me for five days. If we had more time, I’d take one more ride on that pierced cock of his to satisfy my need for him. But the truth is, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of him.

“I love you.” He lifts my hand and presses his lips to my knuckles. “But you’d better not run from me again, baby.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Maddox. I’ll figure this out. I love you, too. Now go before you’re late and get fined.”

I watch him leave and then take a deep breath before scrolling through my phone, ready to do damage control.

* * *

“Ifreaking knew it!” Garret shouts the second I round the corner of the hallway toward my office.

“Knew what?”

“That you were taking a ride on Maddox Taylor’s dick to pound town.”

“Well, obviously you can see why I couldn’t tell you, Garret,” I hiss as people mill about the office, shooting curious glances in my direction when they walk past. “But if it makes you feel any better, you were involved in one of my lies to cover this up.”

His jaw drops open. “You bitch!”

“What? I thought you’d be happy to be part of the gossip.”

He purses his lips, and his head tilts to one side as he thinks about what I just said. “You know what? You’re right!”

I laugh. “Glad I could make you happy, but the reality is, this has just turned into a PR nightmare.”

Garret waves his hand in the air. “Please, girl. If anyone can spin this, it’s you.”

“It’s a little different whenI’mthe one whose job is on the line, hun.” I unlock the door to my office and head for my desk. “Is Charles in yet?”

“Oh, yeah, he is. He actually wanted me to tell you to go to his office as soon as you arrived.”

“Jesus, you’re just now telling me?”

“Well, yeah. I had to interrogate you a bit before you go get chewed to bits.” Garret nibbles on his thumb. “Do you think he’s going to fire you? I swear, Pen, if you get fired, I will follow you. We can start our own firm. I can’t work under any of the other bitches in this office. I will die.”

“Calm down, Garret. Let’s not overreact until we need to.” Not gonna lie, though, I feel like I might throw up right now.

“Good luck. I’ll be here with coffee and cookies when you get back.”

I plant a kiss on his cheek before I head for Charles’s office. “That’s why you’re the best assistant ever.”

“Don’t you forget it.”

Trying to calm myself before I walk into the lion’s den, I do some square breathing and arrive at his assistant’s desk in under a minute. “Julie, I’m here to see Charles.”