“I know. But now I can’t find her, Leslie. I can’t—I can’t fucking lose her.”

“Then don’t. Give her some space, but when you see her next, vow to cherish her. Make her realize she’s the only woman you want in your life. And never make her doubt you, Maddox. That’s how you keep a woman. It’s not about being perfect and never making mistakes. It’s about being a man she knows she can depend on even when you fuck up.”

“I don’t know where she might be.”

She clicks her tongue. “Yeah, you do. Come on, you know her. Use your head, use your resources, figure out who she might run to if she’s running from you.”

Just like that, a spark ignites in my mind. “Fuck, I’ve got an idea.”

“Yeah, you do. Now go, Maddox. Fight for her. Show her the man you are—because even though I know I was hesitant about this before, I can hear it in your voice. You love her.”

“She’s the one, Leslie.”

“The one who’s going to drive you crazy but make every instance worth it.”

* * *

“Maddox?” Amelia spins around in her office to find me standing there, nearly out of breath.

“Hey, Amelia. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

She sets a file folder down on her desk and then looks back up at me. “No, I’m in between my last two clients right now, actually, so your timing is impeccable. How can I help you?”

“Have you talked to Penelope lately?”

The way her face falls tells me she knows something. “Um, yes. At brunch yesterday and then a bit this morning.”

“So she’s okay?”

Amelia sighs. “Yes and no.”

“She won’t answer my calls or Liam’s. He’s pissed, and I’m worried. The last time I saw her, I... well, let’s just say, I left her in an uncomfortable situation.”

Amelia folds her lips in to hide her smile. “Oh, I’m aware. She was an hour late to brunch.”

“Fuck. She was pissed, wasn’t she?”

“I mean, I know I told you to push her, I just didn’t think you had it in you. Nice cuffs, by the way. Those are ones I recommend to clients as well for comfort.” She winks, and I shift my weight beneath her knowing gaze. But then I remember that talking about sex is part of her job, so my stomach untwists fairly quickly.

“Well, I think I pushed her too far. She won’t talk to me, and she’s not home.”

“I know.”

I take a step toward her. “You know where she is?”

“Yes. She went back to Ohio for a few days.”

My heart stops beating for a minute. “She did?”

“Maddox, remember when I spoke to you at the wedding? When I told you she was working through things and you needed to be patient with her?”


“Well, this time right now is what I meant. She’s working through it, Maddox. And knowing Penelope, she’s doing it on her own timetable. If she doesn’t want to talk to you, don’t take it personally, just respect it. Give her the space she wants, and I promise, she’ll come around. She always does. That woman is one of the best people I know, and your presence has made her have to face a plethora of issues she never dealt with from her young adult life. But the fact that she even boarded a plane this morning to go home for the first time in twelve years says something. It tells me she knows that even though doing that is scary for her, you are worth it.”

“Fuck, Amelia.” I run a hand through my hair as I begin to pace her office. “You sure I should just let her be?”

She simply nods. “Yes. Give her a few days.”