“How so?”

Note to self: Get Penelope talking in the morning. Apparently, she hasn’t realized I’m pulling out my Jedi mind trick yet. Probably because she hasn’t had her coffee.

“Don’t get me wrong; I’m good at my job. I can spin a story, create an image, build a brand, and right a wrong with the click of a few buttons. But now? Doing the charity work with you guys, meeting these men who aren’t just muscle heads but genuinely love a game that I grew up watching myself—it just gives me this warm, fuzzy feeling that I haven’t felt in a long time.”

“Warm and fuzzy, huh?” I pull her close to me, and the press of her silky skin on my thighs has my dick perking up in seconds.

“Uh-huh.” She reaches down between us and cups my junk. “Speaking of warm, I have a very warm spot you could put this in.” She spreads her legs open and brings my cock to her slit, rubbing it through her wetness. And I’m already fighting to not come in her hand.

Fuck, what this woman does to me.

“Sounds like a good way to start the day. Then I’m going to make you waffles with strawberries, and then we’re going to fuck some more so you have plenty of things to reflect on when the sun sets later. Sound good?”

“Sounds amazing,” she murmurs before rubbing the head of my cock all over her clit, teasing us both.

“What goes in hard and dry but comes out soft and wet?” I ask her, catching her lips for a chaste kiss.

“Your dick, Maddox. That’s an easy one.”

I roll on top of her, thrust inside her with little effort, and then slowly begin rocking, loving the way she gasps as I bottom out.

“No, Penelope, you dirty girl.” I lean down to nibble on her earlobe before I whisper, “The answer is gum.”



Two Weeks Later

“What’s this?” I come out of Maddox’s bedroom in nothing but his shirt and find him at the counter, chopping up fruit.

“This is called breakfast, Penelope. Also known as the most important meal of the day.”

“Thank you, wiseass. But why are you making this? I told you that I’m meeting the girls for brunch today. Charlotte and Damien are finally back from their honeymoon, and Amelia and Ethan are back from their... engagement-moon?” I question, wondering if that’s even a thing. But I brush it off. “Whatever you want to call it, I’ll be eating with them.”

He drops the knife to the cutting board and then saunters toward me, his shorts hanging low on his hips. The sight of those deep cuts of his vee make me want to tackle him to the floor and hump his brains out—which is alarming, given how much sex we’ve been having over the past two weeks.

He’s such an attentive lover, treating me like a queen but also the dirty girl that I am when I want to be. We’ve explored everything—a little anal play, so many positions that I didn’t know my body could be contorted into—and every time, it just keeps getting better and better.

The sex is amazing, but the threat of tomorrow has me needing a break from this rollercoaster that I’m on. Because last night, it finally hit me: I’m falling for him.

And I feel like admitting that out loud is wrong, especially considering the timing of that revelation.

The night after the wedding was... game-changing. I felt like a switch was flipped. Letting Maddox into me with nothing between us sent me into a tailspin, one where all I want is to mount the man and cuddle up in his arms.

I don’t know what came over me that night, why I even suggested foregoing protection. Maybe it was seeing one of my best friends marry the man she loves and how happy she is. Maybe it was the fact that Maddox and I had barely seen each other prior to that and I wanted to get as close to him as I possibly could.

Or maybe it was a way for me to let him in the only way I knew how—because the other way is pressing down on me as time continues to tick by, the season growing closer and the timeline of my job with the team dwindling rapidly.

We haven’t had a conversation about what’s going to happen after my contract with the Bolts is up, and part of me doesn’t want to. I’m comfortable right now with the way things are, and I think that talking too much about the future is only going to exacerbate the anxiety that I’m feeling.

But the anniversary of tomorrow is adding to that, too.

I still haven’t called the grief counselor that Amelia suggested to me. I still haven’t told Maddox about Jacob, and I still haven’t accepted the fact that the only person in control of all of those things is me.

Maddox pulls me into his chest. “I know you’re going to brunch, babe. The fruit is for my oatmeal. I’m going to get a workout in after you leave while my cleaning lady comes by, and then maybe we can have dinner tonight, if you’re not sick of me yet.”

“Oh. Um, maybe. But I kind of want to see what the girls are up to, and then I need to catch up on some work.” Slowly, I peel his arms off of me and walk around him to the coffee pot, where I find a cup of coffee already made for me, just the way I like it.