The problem is that the man getting that reaction from me ishim.

Just to set the record straight, I sincerely think that an ass on a man is one of the most underrated body parts to appreciate. I mean, I know forearms are sexy, and I love a nice pair of bulging biceps and massive shoulders just as much as the next girl. But a nice round ass? One that is completely bitable and so hard you could bounce a quarter off it? It’s like being teased with a juicy piece of medium-rare steak and fighting every urge to sink your teeth into it, even though you know it would be delicious and satisfy a very savage craving.

Unfortunately, biting a man’s ass is frowned upon in public.

But in private? You’d better believe I’ll be appreciating that man’s bedunkadunk in full if he’ll let me.

“I guess I can wait until you’re done.” Garret, my amazing assistant, comes up on my right, startling me from my blatant appraisal of Maddox’s ass.

“Shit, Garret. You scared me.” Placing my hand over my chest, I feel my heart beat wilder than it was when Maddox was standing right next to me.

“I didn’t mean to, Pen, but I don’t think I’ve seen you stare that hard at a man before, ever. And I don’t blame you, honey. Maddox Taylor is grade A prime choice beef.” He bites his own lip as he tips his head to the side while watching Maddox walk away. “He is definitely droolworthy. Which reminds me, you have some drool dripping out of the side of your mouth right now.”

“No, I don’t.” I frantically swipe at the corner of my mouth then glare at Garret when I realize he was lying.

“Not yet, but it was coming.”

I clear my throat and then change the subject, slightly irritated that Garret is calling me on my shit. “Tell me again why you’re over here? Is everything okay?”

“Oh, yeah. The president of Zio’s is getting a little tipsy, so I thought I would come let you know in case you wanted to check in on him or switch his orders to water. Everything else is good—Kristen helped restock the bar, the second round of hors d’oeuvres and tasting pairings are being served as we speak, and the ice luge is a huge hit. Good idea with that one.”

“Everyone loves an ice luge, especially after a few shots of vodka.” I wink at him and then glance out over the crowded dance floor. “Four years in a sorority proved that to be true.”

“Well, your experience and expertise are easy to admire. And I’m not the only one—apparently you have a not-so-secret admirer for the evening that you can’t seem to shake.” Garret tips his head to the side of the room where Maddox is standing, his eyes locked on me. “You have to go talk to him again.”

Humming with nervous energy, which is very unlike me, I shake my head and stare down at my clipboard again. “I’m working, Garret. And besides, I’m not interested.”

He steps up right in front of my face so we are staring into each other’s eyes. “Really? Could have fooled me with the way you were gawking at his ass earlier.”

“The man plays football for a living. Of course he has a nice ass. I was merely appreciating it. There’s nothing wrong with that. An ass like that covered in spandex is why most women watch the sport to begin with.”

He shakes his head. “And gay men, sweetheart. But I saw you two talking. He had you laughing and smiling like a smitten girl.”

“Me and the word ‘smitten’ do not belong together. I don’t get smitten with men. It’s more like the other way around.”

And that’s the truth. I’m gonna toot my own horn for a minute and brag about my ability to mesmerize the male population. I’ve got a curvy body, long legs, and a sassy mouth. Most men can’t resist that.

“Well, Maddox is clearly interested in you, so what do you have to lose? Plus, he’s a football god. Any heterosexual woman would be a fool to turn him down. Believe me, if he played for my team, I wouldn’t think twice about cashing in on his interest.”

“Well, you can be very persuasive. Maybe you should take a chance and see if you can bring him over to your side of life?”

Garret laughs. “If I thought I had a chance, I would. But he is clearly vying for only one woman’s attention tonight, and that woman is you, my friend.” With a pat on my shoulder, he walks off, leaving me vibrating with uneasiness as I glance in Maddox’s direction, watching him converse with the man standing next to him, someone he is clearly familiar with. He’s laughing, drinking, and partying, solidifying the image that so many football fans know him for maintaining: the life of the party, the man who’s down to have fun and not worry about how that paints his occupation and team in a negative light.

And then a parade of twenty-something blondes skip up to where he’s standing, each one fighting for his attention, and all of the men around him gleefully absorb the interest.

But when he sees me staring, his gaze locks on mine again. He lifts his drink in acknowledgment and then takes a sip, his eyes never leaving mine.

Temptation builds in my body, a reminder that it has been awhile since I’ve enjoyed some male company. But then my subconscious wins as I remember my rules.

But what is the saying? Some rules are made to be broken, right?

* * *

It’s well past one in the morning and the club is packed, bodies gyrating as the bass of the music pumps through the walls and everyone’s bloodstream. Now that the busiest part of the night has passed, Charles comes over to me and congratulates me on a job well done.

“Thank you again, Penelope, for stepping up. I knew I could count on you.” He hands me a glass of a mixed drink that hopefully contains the green apple flavored vodka that I’ve been dying to taste. “You’ve earned this.”

“Yes, I have, as well as a bonus for putting up with interns all night.” Taking a drink of the alcohol, I welcome the warmth it covers my body in and the sour taste on my tongue.