Gripping him tightly, I wrap my arms around his neck and fight to get as close to him as possible, his need for me evident in how hard he grabs me by the ass and pulls me into him.

We’re frantic, horny, and desperate for each other. And if I didn’t have so many things on my mind between work and Charlotte and Damien’s wedding—plus the fact that we’re in a public space where people could walk in on us—I’d give in to him right now.

A noise in the hall startles us apart, and we jump away from each other like the other person just burst into flames.

“Shit. You need to go,” I whisper to him.

“My dick is hard as a rock. I can’t go out there yet,” he hisses back.

“Fine. I’ll go first.” I take a few steps toward the door and then turn back one more time to get a glimpse of him. “Behave yourself, Maddox.”

“I should say the same thing to you, Penelope. You’re the only person who makes me want to break the rules, sweetheart.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” I reply softly. Because while Maddox might be talking about the rules of our working relationship, I’m referring to the ones that I’ve used to guard my heart up to this point.

And as of now, I think it’s safe to say those rules are being thrown completely out the window.



Three Weeks Later

“You know what the best part about weddings is?” Hayden stands next to me, shoving yet another appetizer in his mouth. “The free food and booze.”

“Really? I couldn’t tell.”

He holds out his hands. One is holding his beer, and the other is balancing a small plate piled high with bacon-wrapped shrimp, mini fried wontons, and bruschetta. “I’m starving, man. Practice has been kicking my ass.”

“Yeah, tell me about it.” The conditioning we’ve been doing during OTAs lately has been intense, to say the least. But at least I know my endurance is up—and tonight, I feel like I’m going to need it.

A prickle of awareness shoots up my spine as I see Penelope off in the distance, posing for pictures with the bridal party in a blush dress that looks absolutely stunning on her. But the moment her eyes lock on to me, my body is instantly aware of our connection.

Leslie is right—this pull I have to her was fast and intense, but I know there’s a reason I’m drawn to her. I’m still determined to find out what it is. Even more, I’m hoping once I introduce Penelope to my cousin in a few weeks, she’ll see what I see: that the woman is witty and beautiful—and the person I’ve been looking for all my life.

When Penelope told me a few weeks ago that she would be following me home with a film crew, the first idea that raced through my mind was introducing her to my family. I know she’ll fit right in with her sarcasm, smile, and spirit. Underneath that wall she has guarding her heart is a woman who sees the beauty in the small things, who values friendship above all else, and who fights for her independence. She’s also fiery and fierce regarding things she feels strongly about; exactly the type of woman I know my parents want me to end up with.

The question is: Does Penelope want to be that woman?

Deep down, I think I already know the answer. But then Leslie’s voice comes back, inserting doubt.

Is it Leslie’s voice or yours, Maddox?

There’s something missing, some vital piece of who she is that she hasn’t revealed yet. I’m hoping as we grow closer, she’ll open up to me more.

I need that from her so that I can do the same. I’m sure once we visit Texas, I’m going to have to let her know just what I’ve been keeping close to the vest as well. And even though I’ve debated telling her already, I know that divulging everything while in my hometown will help my story make much more sense.

People mill around us, conversing while sipping champagne and beer as we all wait for the reception to start. It truly is a beautiful wedding, the type of black-tie event one would see in a magazine or on a Pinterest post.

White flowers are everywhere with pops of pink and yellow in the décor. Tall trees with hanging crystals sit atop each table, and mood lighting climbs up the walls. White linen covers every surface, and waiters in black suits and ties meander around the room, attending to guests.

It’s romantic and classy, but I’m irritated that I can’t celebrate the event the way I want to—with Penelope on my arm.

“Why didn’t we have a champagne bar at our wedding?” Justice, Vince’s wife, asks, pulling my attention to the two of them as they come up to Hayden and me.

“Because you wanted a signature cocktail, sweetie,” Vince replies, rolling his eyes at me. He can act like his wife is annoying him all he wants, but I know the man is wrapped around the woman’s fingers.

“I know, but it’s such a great idea. There are so many different flavors and add-ins to choose from.” Then she turns to me. “Thanks for getting an invite to the wedding by the way, Maddox. It’s been awhile since Vince and I had a night out, just the two of us.”