“Maddox, what the hell is going on?” She spins to face me, her hands on her hips.

“We need to talk.”

“Okay. About?”

“Friday night.”

Her face goes white. “I’m really busy.”

“Bullshit. Now answer the question. Why did you run from me?”

“I-I didn’t.”

“Yes, you fucking did, Penelope. But you know what? That’s fine. Because I’m not letting you get away again.” Suddenly, I watch fear race through her as her eyes dart around the room, searching for a way to escape. “You don’t have to be scared of me, Penelope, but we’re going to talk about something right now, and we’re going to do it so you can’t deny me some answers.” I lock the door behind me and then make my way over to where she’s standing, pulling her lips to mine before she can object.

This woman.Christ. She tastes like heaven and hell all wrapped up into one sassy package that I can’t fucking get enough of.

Her hands wrap around my neck and pull me closer as I take out my frustration with her on her mouth. Carefully, I walk us over to her desk and lift her up on the edge of it, raising her skirt as I begin to rub that hot spot between her legs.

“Maddox,” she hisses. “We can’t here.”

“Oh, yes, we fucking can. But you can stop me at any time.” I stare her down, a clear challenge.

She just glares at me.

“Then this is how it’s going to be, Penelope. I’m gonna make you come with my mouth and maybe my cock, and then we’re going to fucking talk.” I rip her thong in half and toss it to the side, diving my face between her legs.

“Jesus. Maddox!” she whispers, moaning a little too loudly. I reach up and cover her mouth with my hand, and our eyes lock while she watches me lick every crevice of her.

I swirl my tongue around her clit, sucking and nibbling on the bud until she’s writhing, and then I stop and move my hand that was covering her mouth.

“What the hell?”

“Why did you run from me the other night, Pen?”

She groans and drops her head back. “You’re seriously doing this to me right now?”

“Damn right, woman. Now answer the question.”

“This is just mean.”

“It’s about to get worse if you don’t answer me.”

“Fine. I don’t usually stay after—”


She nods. “Yeah.”

“I’m beginning to see that.” I drop my mouth back down to her pussy and lick her again, sticking my tongue as deep as I can inside of her as she writhes against my mouth. My hand smothers her lips again as I bring her seconds from her orgasm and then stop once more.

“You’re killing me, Maddox.”

“I promise you’ll get what you want... right after I get what I need.”

“And what is that?” she asks, barely breathing at this point.

“For you to tell me the truth about why you won’t let me in.”