“Justice was the same way,” he replies, and a light bulb flicks on in my head.He has experience with this? Now’s the time to pick his brain.

“Really? And how did you deal with that?”

He sighs. “It wasn’t easy. There were times where we both ran away because we were afraid of facing our feelings. But then one day, I looked her in the eye and told her that I wasn’t going anywhere, that I would fight her to the ends of the earth until she understood that we belonged together. That I wasn’t going to let her push me away anymore.”

“And what did she say?”

“That I was crazy but she felt the same, that she was overwhelmed but didn’t want to be without me.” He shrugs. “From then on, we made sure we talked about instances where she felt I was smothering her and vice versa. Communication is key.”

“You sound like Dr. Phil.”

“Nah, just a man who’s learned how to avoid unnecessary fighting and build a marriage that I’m truly happy in.”

“Well, Penelope and I aren’t exactly as far as it sounds like you and Justice were in your feelings at this point, but I think maybe I do need to force her to listen to me a bit. I wouldn’t be jeopardizing my career and reputation for just any woman, Vince. I know she’s worth it—all of this shit.” I tilt my head back. “My ex did a number on me, too, man—used me for my career when I thought I knew who she was. I don’t think that’s what’s happening here with Penelope, but I can’t help but question what the fuck is going on.”

“Do you think she’s hiding something? Or has an ulterior motive?”

“I don’t know. There’s definitely part of her she keeps close to the vest, but I’m hoping she’ll tell me when she’s ready.”

“Exactly. And that’s why I can see this is messing with your head. Youlikeher.”

“I really fucking do.”

“Then tell her how it’s going to be, Maddox—in your own way, of course. Let her know that you understand her fears, but running from you isn’t going to work.”

Vince’s words hit home. I think it’s exactly what I needed to hear at this moment.

Determination builds within me, and I stand up straighter. Then an idea pops into my head that I can’t ignore. “You’re right. I’m not going to let her push me away when we haven’t even really started.”

He claps me on the shoulder. “That’s the spirit. Now get your head on straight, do what you need to do, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Vince.” I rest my hand on his shoulder. “Seriously. I appreciate the advice.”

“You’re a good man, Taylor. I’d hate to see you not get the woman you want and deserve. Every man needs one at some point.”

I don’t think I’ve ever heard something so true.

So with renewed confidence, I hop into my truck, crank the engine, and head straight for Penelope’s office.

This can’t fucking wait.

* * *

“Garret? Where are those invoices I asked for?” Penelope comes walking out of her office in a black pencil skirt and purple blouse, her hair down around her face in soft curls. She’s looking down at her phone and hasn’t even realized that I’m standing there in front of her and Garret is nowhere to be found.

And he won’t be here for a while, because I asked him to pick up some lunch for Penelope and me for our “meeting,” an errand that will take at least thirty minutes to complete with afternoon traffic. He was more than happy to oblige.

Usually, I wouldn’t use my fame to get what I want, but this is one time I’m willing to bend my rules. Well, maybe the second, that is, as I stare at the woman in front of me that I’m risking a hell of a lot for.

“Garret won’t be back for a while, but he asked me to give you these.”

Penelope jumps and drops her phone to the floor, clutching her palms to her chest. “Jesus Christ, Maddox. What are you doing here?”

“What? Surprised to see me? Did I catch you off guard?” I take a few steps so I’m right in front of her.

“Uh, yeah!” Then she looks at me, her forehead creased. “Did we have a meeting I wasn’t aware of or something?”

“Yeah... or something.” I walk past her and through her open office door, waiting for her to join me. But she just stands there, assessing me curiously, before finally grabbing her phone from the floor and sauntering past me. I shut the door as soon as she walks in.