I hear her sigh, and then something shifts in the background. “Have you thought about this, Maddox? Like,trulythought about this?”

“Yes, and I know there are risks. But I’m going to adopt the ‘do what I want and ask for forgiveness later’ model here.”

“All I can say is if you’re willing to jeopardize the season and your job, she must really be something.”

“She is, Leslie. Fuck, I can’t get enough of her. I want to see her and talk to her constantly. I was drawn to her the second I saw her, and every time we speak, she just sucks me in even more.”

“Don’t you think this is all a little sudden? I mean, I want you to be happy, Maddox. I do, and I hope you know that. But this situation is reminding me of how fast you fell for Brittney back in high school and look how that turned out.”

“Penelope isn’t Brittney. She actually isn’t fond of my job at all, Leslie. Straight up told me she doesn’t date athletes, football players to be exact—and not just because of our current working situation.”

“What? Why?”

I run a hand through my hair. “I haven’t exactly found that out yet. But I know she’s been hurt, and the last thing I want to do is hurt her again, so I’m hoping to find out when she feels it’s the right time to tell me.”

“But what aboutyougetting hurt? Sorry to break it to you, cousin, but when you broke up with Brittney, you didn’t exactly handle it very well. And then add in what happened three months later with Grace, and... shit, I’m just worried that you’ll spiral down a dark path again.”

Clenching my jaw, I try not to snap a tooth in half as anger and regret floods my chest. “I know, but damn, Leslie. Way to hit a sore spot.”

I can hear her sniffle through the line. “You know that wasn’t your fault, Maddox. I’m sorry. God, I’m so sorry for even bringing it up. I just don’t want to see you ever get like that again.”

“Jesus. I know, Leslie. I know.” We’re both silent for a minute, but neither of us hangs up. “I’m just worried. I don’t want this change in your life to be jaded because you’re trying to avoid dealing with the trade by fixating on some woman.”

“She’s not justsomewoman, Leslie, and I’ve made my peace with the trade. She’s unlike any woman I’ve ever met. And you know me,trulyknow me. Even after the fucked-up shit that Brittney did, I never would invest my time in someone unless I knew I wouldn’t regret it.”

I can almost hear the wheels turning in her head. “Are you sure about this, Maddox? Are you sure you’re willing to face all the consequences of this?”

“Yes. But more importantly, I’m sure abouther.”

“Oh, Jesus, the man is done for,” she teases, and the uplift in her voice makes my chest release pressure again.

“I think I am,” I admit, because even though I’m still trying to convince myself to be cautious, I’m a little infatuated with Penelope. And I don’t see that changing any time soon.

“I want you to be happy, Maddox. And even though I’m scared for you, you know I’ll be here if shit goes sideways.”

“I know, and that’s why I feel confident enough to pursue this, to pursue her. I’m taking her out tonight, actually. We’ve mostly been talking on the phone, but I have a surprise for her that I think she’ll love.”

“Aren’t you worried about being seen together?”

“I think we’ll be okay. We’re not going out to a restaurant or anything.” I take the next few moments to explain my plans for this evening, and my cousin’s reaction is everything.

“Hell, if I were her, I don’t think I’d be able to resist you after a gesture like that.”

“Well, good thing we’re related.” We share a laugh. “But thanks for the vote of confidence. I hope she loves it.”

“She will. And maybe as things progress, we can video chat so I can meet her.”

“I’d love that eventually, but I still need to wear her down a bit more. She’s reluctant to admit what’s between us, so until she does, I don’t want to scare her off. And you, my dear cousin, can be kind of scary.”

“You’d think I wouldn’t like hearing that, but I do.”

I turn on my street, closing in on my apartment building. “All right. I’m almost home. I’ll call you sooner rather than later, okay? I promise.”

“Please. And keep me updated on the Penelope situation. Plus, the kids want to talk to you.”

“I miss those two rug rats. Maybe I’ll call them on Sunday if you guys will be home?”

“We don’t have any plans, so that sounds perfect.”