
“If Maddox wasn’t a football player, if he wasn’t your client, and all of the other circumstances were the same, would you be hesitating as much about what to do?”


She holds her palm up. “Don’t answer yet; just think about it. Because, like I told you when we thought you were talking about Garret, if it’s just fear, you can work past that. But if it’s something else, you need to find out what’s holding you back and work through it. I’ve known you for a long time, Penelope, and I always knew there had to be something you were keeping locked inside all of these years, something you’ve used humor, sex, and vulgar language to cover up.”

“You have to admit I am funny, though.”

She chuckles. “You are. But I also know that you have one of the biggest hearts of anyone I know. You love fiercely, and you have a protective streak of us girls that is not to be messed with. There are so many parts of you that deserved to be loved, too, even the parts you keep hidden. I’m not saying Maddox is the man for you, but if he’s making you feel like a piece of the old you is resurfacing, I think you owe it to yourself to find out why he makes you feel that way—and if letting her out is really as bad of a thing as you think it is.”



“Nice job today.” Hayden comes up behind me in the locker room, wiping the water from his hair with a towel. The team had our first OTA today with a full roster, and I have to say, we have some work to do, but things look promising.

“Thanks, QB. Young has some speed on him,” he replies, referencing the rookie wide receiver the team drafted who proved his skills during rookie camp. “I think he’s going to be a solid addition to the offense.”

“I agree. We just need to get those plays down now. Most of the work will happen during training camp, but the more we can mesh together before then, the more productive camp will be with the entire team there.”

“Time to get our bromance brewing, then. I don’t want Penelope to think we’re slacking.” He winks as he drops his towel and reaches for a pair of briefs. “My plan tonight is to stuff my face, study a bit, and then get to bed early so I’m fresh for the kids tomorrow.” He shoots finger guns at me as he snaps the band of his underwear around his waist. “I can’t wait to see what Penelope has in store for us.”

About half the team is going to the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital tomorrow to visit children in the cancer ward and those who are recovering from illness and surgery. This is one of the first major events that Penelope signed us up for to build the team’s image and to give back to the community, and I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been counting down the days until I get to see her again.

Between the draft and the workouts, we haven’t crossed paths too much. And I’ve been trying to back off so I wouldn’t scare her away even more. I can tell she’s skittish, that she’s fighting herself and her attraction toward me, even though we both know the risks given our professional relationship now. I’m fairly certain that if our jobs weren’t such an issue, she would be much more willing to oblige my request to get to know each other better.

My gut is telling me that taking it slow and steady with her is the right thing to do, but I also don’t want her to think that I’m going to give up without a fight.

It’s why I sent her the flowers I noticed etched into her skin and candy that reminds me of the way she tasted the night we met. It’s why I hope to break down her walls a bit more tomorrow while we’re at the hospital, show her who I am and that she doesn’t have to be scared of me.

I want her to know that my interest in her is for more than just sex. Don’t get me wrong—the woman made me lose my fucking mind the night we slept together. Details about her body and the things it can do have plagued me since then. But now I want to know and discover even more.

I won’t deny flirting with her, telling her dirty jokes, or reminding her of how good we were together is becoming a favorite pastime of mine, especially because of the way her cheeks flame and fire burns from her eyes.

After the draft, rookie camp occupied most of my time as I watched the potential players fight for a spot on the team permanently, not to mention meeting with the coaching staff to talk strategy. But tomorrow, we’ll come face-to-face for the first time in over a week, and my body is primed just thinking about it.

Playing a professional sport gives me so many opportunities and freedoms that quite often are taken for granted by other players. I recognized that when I signed my first contract, and I vowed not to be one of them. So during my six years on my former team, I volunteered and made appearances a lot during my off-season, giving back where I could. It’s why I started the football camp in my hometown, and it’s why when Penelope suggested visiting the Children’s Hospital, I was on board. I know the entire team will benefit from the humbling experience it’s sure to be.

Not only that, but it will give me a chance to show her another side of me, the one that isn’t just a professional football player—the one who has his own fears, too.

* * *

“You’re serious?” Colton Cross, one of the defensive linemen, asks as we stand in a semi-circle listening to Penelope explain the rules and activities for our visit today.

She holds up one of the wigs and smiles proudly. “Yes.”

Hayden stands beside me and rubs his hands together. “I am so fucking in. This is gonna be great.”

Colton huffs. “A tea party? You want us to dress up for a fucking tea party?”

Penelope stands her ground, placing a hand on her hip. “Yes, I do. These kids are stuck in this hospital for weeks at a time battling illness, cancer, and recovering from life-altering surgery while you get to run around a football field tackling grown men to the ground while getting paid millions of dollars to do it. So yeah, Colton Cross—I want you to dress up and make them smile, unless you’re too scared that wearing a dress and wig will jeopardize your manhood?”

Holy fuck, I think I’m in love.

Colton rolls his eyes but relents, snatching the wig from her hands. “Fine.”

“Thank you. And I’ll make sure to get plenty of pictures of you to use as blackmail if you feel the need to fight me again.”