He dramatically bows in front of me with his hands clasped together. “Thank you.” And then he’s standing, moving for the door. “Is there anything you need from me before you leave?”

I scour my office, thinking back to my meeting with Liam and Maddox just a few days ago. Being in the same room with Maddox again and trying to pretend like his presence didn’t rattle me was one of the most challenging things I’ve had to endure in a while. I mean, if there’s anything that’s come out of being assigned to the Bolts, it’s that my job has officially become exciting again—just not in the way I was anticipating or needing.

Visions of our night together flashed through my mind while words of the professional variety were leaving my lips. It’s like I was living outside of my body, watching myself putting on a skit, acting like another woman, not the one I’ve been fighting with ever since Maddox showed up in my office last week.

During our meeting, I was looking into his eyes, but all I could remember was how he looked at me when he hovered over me. He was engaging in our conversation, speaking in that deep, raspy voice of his, but all I could hear was the sounds he made when he found his release, pinning me to the bed beneath him.

Once Liam entered the room, he sat there smugly while I filled Mr. Nelson in on everything we had already discussed. Meanwhile, all I could think about while Maddox was sitting there was his dick and how phenomenal it felt inside of me.

And that piercing.

Jesus Christ, I have issues.The girls are right.

What the hell did I do in a past life to deserve the shitshow I’m currently dealing with?

I think this is more about what you’ve done inthislife, Penelope.

“Nope. I think I have everything. The PowerPoint is on the drive. My laptop is in the bag with all of the research and stats I pulled over the past week. And I made sure to put on an extra layer of deodorant this morning. I think I’ve got it handled.”

“You do. You’ve got this. Now, go make those grown men scared of you, and let me know if there is a physical examination component to this job that may require my assistance.”

Little does he know, I’ve already been up close and physical with Maddox Taylor—and he’s as fit as an ox.

“You’ll be the first one I call.”

After a little butt tap of encouragement from Garret, I leave the office and head across town toward Cal Lutheran University, where the private practice fields are located for the team. I crank up some Eminem, Snoop Dogg, and Lil’ Wayne to help ease my nerves. There’s something about listening to gangster rap that makes me feel like a badass bitch, especially going into a meeting of this magnitude.

When I arrive at the practice fields on campus, I park in the designated area, head toward the athletic facilities, and go through a security checkpoint before I head for the conference room where I know an abundance of testosterone awaits me.

“Miss Klein.” A voice to my left has me twisting in that direction, and I catch Liam walking toward me.

“Mr. Nelson. Good morning.”

“You ready?”

“Born ready. Just lead the way, please.”

“Hmm,” he hums and then turns back the way he came from, beckoning me to follow him. If I had a free hand, I’d flip him off behind his back. Sadly, my hands are full, so I make sure I do it in my mind only. Probably safer that way, anyway.

When we arrive at the room, Liam holds the door open for me so I can walk in and survey the space ahead of him. At least he’s gentlemanly enough to hold open a door for a lady.

Rows of seats are lined in stadium-style seating, cascading up the wall like the inside of a lecture hall. A whiteboard and projection screen is situated in the front of the room, ready for my presentation. The walls are beige and empty except for a few banners with the Los Angeles Bolts logo splayed above the door we just walked through.

“IT just came in and made sure power was hooked up for you. You should be able to plug in any technology you brought with very little trouble.”

I set my bag on the table in front of the whiteboard. “Thank you. I’ll let you know if there are any issues.”

His phone dings, and he buries his head in the screen. “Great. I’ll be back with the team at the top of the hour.” He lifts his phone to his ear and turns to exit the room, leaving me alone.

I take a deep breath and then get to work, oblivious to how fast time is passing. I plug in my laptop and go through my presentation, practicing walking across the space. This isn’t my first rodeo, not with a presentation of this magnitude, but my nerves are still running high.

“Where is Peter Pan’s favorite place to eat?”

Gasping, I spin around and come face-to-face with Maddox, who’s grinning like a fool.

“Holy fuck, Maddox!” I place my hand over my racing heart. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Eloquent choice of words there.”