“And what is that?” I ask, trying to keep a straight face because I know I’m pushing her limits right now. But when she’s frustrated with me, it only makes me want her even more.

I wonder why that is?

Because she’s not throwing herself at your feet like every other female you cross paths with, Maddox. Duh.

Because she’s intelligent, sarcastic, kindhearted, and beautiful. That’s why.

“Look. As I said on Friday, we have to pretend like what happened between us never happened, Maddox.”

“Remind me again why that is, Penelope,” I reply, even though I know why already. But I want to hear it from her mouth. Maybe if I hear her say it, something will stick—because right now, all I want is to move around her desk, lift her up on top of it, kiss her until we both can’t breathe, and devour that sweet spot between her legs.

The skin on her neck turns red, and I swear her thoughts are mimicking my own.

She clears her throat while trying to appear composed. “Because you are my client now. In fact, the entire team is, and if this goes wrong, it’s both of our jobs on the line. The last thing either of us needs is bad press. I have enough work cut out for me with this job just because I’m a woman, and on top of that, my boss is counting on me to do it well for the firm. Plus, a football team is not a client I would normally take on, so I have to make sure I’m focused so I don’t make a misstep.” She points a finger at me now. “Andyou—you have a lot to prove to a new team. Don’t you care what people think of you? Don’t you want the fans to know you’re dedicated to the Bolts and not letting some woman you had a one-night stand with derail your focus?”

“My focus is fine. In fact, I don’t feel like I’ve been this focused in years...”

Focused on one woman, that is.

A knock on the door halts our conversation.

Both of us turn in that direction as the door opens and Liam appears. “Sorry I’m late, you two.” He shuts the door behind him and then takes a seat in the empty chair right next to me. Bouncing his eyes between us, he furrows his brow. “Is everything okay?”

Penelope clears her throat again while shooting me a glare. I smirk back at her before she directs her attention to Liam. “Everything is fine, Mr. Nelson. Maddox and I were just discussing the events I have lined up, and he agreed everything sounds promising.”

“Well, I’m ready to be filled in as well, and then I have a few thoughts of my own to add, naturally. We want to make sure that our vision is in line with what Edelman PR suggests. Ultimately, the Bolts franchise needs to approve every appearance, event, and press release to make sure the best interest of our players is being met.” He drops his eyes up and down while glaring at Penelope—and if I wasn’t a better gentleman, I’d punch the man for his lack of respect and belief in her.

“Of course.”

I sit back in the chair and watch Penelope deliver the same information to Liam just as she did with me, and by the end of the meeting, I’ve made up my mind.

Penelope may think that what happened between us can’t happen again. And she’s right. It shouldn’t. But she doesn’t realize that I can be one determined motherfucker when I want to be. And right now, I’m determined to get Penelope to admit that she still wants me.

Let the games begin.



“Damn. Bringing out the red dress today, huh?” Garret walks into my office just after he arrives. I’ve been here for the past hour preparing for my meeting this morning with the entire Bolts franchise, vibrating with nerves.

“Red is a power color, Garret. It says don’t fuck with me because I know what I’m doing.”

“Do you know what you’re doing?”

I glance back at him over my shoulder as I stuff another file folder into my bag. “For the most part. About ninety percent, I’d say.”

“Your missing ten percent wouldn’t have to do with that Adonis Maddox Taylor being involved, would it?”

Just the mention of his name has my pulse spiking. “No, it’s just... uncharted territory for me.”

“Being attracted to a man?” he prods with a smirk.

“No. Dealing with athletes. It isn’t my normal clientele.”

Garret walks further into the room. “Well, I, for one, am jealous as fuck. You get to boss around over fifty grown men, men who I would have no problem letting crack my spine.” He visibly shivers. “I wonder if any of them are secretly gay and you could hook me up?”

“I’ll keep my eyes and ears open just in case.”