“What are you doing here, Maddox? Is this some sick joke?”

“Why would me being here be a joke?”

She throws her hands up. “I don’t know! Forgive me, but I’m in a little bit of shock right now. You’re supposed to be in New Orleans, clear on the other side of the country!”

“I got let go and then picked up during free agency. It all happened in the last few weeks, but it comes with the job. Not every team is forever.”

She shakes her head. “I’m aware of how the NFL works.”

“I didn’t say you weren’t.” We continue to stare at each other, her chest rising and falling rapidly, my heart hammering uncontrollably from just being in her presence.

And then a light bulb comes on overhead. “What does a perverted frog say?”

She drops her hands as her mouth falls open. “Are you kidding me right now?”

“The tension is too high in this room, so I need to defuse it.”

Rolling her eyes, she sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose. “I don’t know, Maddox. What?”


The corner of her mouth twitches, but she covers it up quickly. “Cute.”

“No,beautiful.” Her head lifts, and she watches as I cross the room toward her. “Fuck, you’re more beautiful than I remember, Penelope.”

Shaking her head, she begins to retreat. “No, Maddox. You can’t say things like that.” I get within inches of her before she yells, “Stop!”

I freeze. “Why?”

She lowers her voice suddenly. “Because this can’t happen again. You’re a client of mine now. Anything that happened before is in the past, and that’s where it has to stay.” She pushes back her shoulders, finding her resolve, but I can still see the confliction in her eyes.

Grinding my teeth together, I nod. “Right.” I acknowledge her point, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. Hell, I feel like every time I’m near her I have no control over my reaction to her. But then, suddenly, the reality of our situation pummels into me. “You’re right.”

She exhales. “Yes, I am,” she says while nodding, as if she’s convincing herself of the same fact. “So while I know that we’re surprised we’ve found ourselves in this predicament, we need to remain professional.”

My dick twitches at her sternness, but my mind knows she’s speaking the truth. Even though it was my idea to use Edelman PR once the Bolts sent over my contract and we discussed the promise for this upcoming season, I never imagined Penelope would be the one they assigned to the account. “I can do that.”

She nods again. “Good.”

But then I decide to push this boundary and see if what I felt between us before is still there. Because I know my body is humming with need for her again, remembering every sound she made while I fucked her, how soft her fucking skin is, and the fact that no other woman has intrigued me the way she has since or even before her.

Penelope Klein has fucking hypnotized me.

I take a few steps toward her again as her eyes go wide. Her feet start moving until her back hits the glass wall of windows behind her. “Maddox, what are you doing?”

“I just need to ask you a question before I leave.”

She swallows hard. “What?”

Leaning down, I run my nose along the column of her throat, and I’m rewarded with a small hitch in her breath. “Why did you leave without saying something?”

“Huh?” Her hands reach out and grip my biceps to hold her steady. And just that subtle touch has my dick growing hard in seconds.

“That night. You left. I woke up, and you were gone.”


“Why didn’t you say something?”