“The part where I planned to go home with anyone tonight.”

“You’re telling me that you had no intention of showing up here and finding someone to warm your bed? In a second, you’ll tell me the story about how, when you were young, you went backpacking across western Europe...”

He chuckles before he slides closer to me in the booth, the heat coming off his body warming mine up even more. “I appreciate theFriendsreference, but the truth ismy bed has been pretty cold for a while, Penelope.”

“So has mine.”

“But that doesn’t mean I expect anything to happen with you tonight.” He reaches over and grips my chin slightly as his eyes bounce back and forth between mine. “Why don’t you believe me?”

Because believing you would crack open this little ball of hope that I’ve buried deep in my chest, the ball of hope that allows me to crave more from a man than just one night.

Maddox is funny, playful, and obviously attractive. Any other time, I wouldn’t question what I’m feeling. But with him, there’s a subconscious conversation happening in my brain that I can’t quite hear—or maybe I’m just choosing not to.

But before I can answer, he continues. “Look, despite what you may think, I want you to knowI saw you across the club when I walked in tonight and just knew Ihadto talk to you. But I also know that I can’t be the only one of us that feels this kinetic energy bouncing between us.” He leans in further, dragging his nose up my jawline before his lips land at my ear. And I swear, I can feel my pulse pounding as I wait to hear what he has to say. “My body is vibrating with adrenaline right now just being near you. I don’t even think I feel this way on the football field, Penelope, and that’s saying something. Tell me I’m not the only one who’s feeling this.”

“You’re not,” I reply on a whisper and way too quickly, practically panting.Dear lord, this man is making me weak.And right then and there, I know I’m powerless over what happens next.

When he presses his lips to the skin right under my ear, my breath hitches, and he pulls back. “Then let’s just enjoy each other and see where the night takes us.”Please say it’s back to your bed, because now that I’ve given myself permission, it’s all I can think about. “Do you want to take another shot? Will that help you relax?”

“Maybe.” I watch him stand, grab the shot glass from the table, and then walk around to my side of the booth so he’s standing behind where I’m sitting. “What are you doing?”

“Helping you take a shot.”

“From behind me?”

He moves his mouth to my ear again. “From behind is one of the best positions, don’t you think?”

I have to bite my lip from moaning out loud as visions of Maddox behind me in other circumstances flash through my mind. “Definitely. Although for someone who said their intentions aren’t what they seem, that was a pretty suggestive comment.”

“Not suggestive, just honest. Now just trust me.” He tips my head back so I can see him above me but upside down. “Open your mouth.”

“Bossy much?”

“You’ve already establishedyoucan be bossy, so now it’s my turn.” Smirking down at me, I watch him lick his lips as he waits for me to comply with his request.

So I do. Very slowly, I part my lips and wait for what he’s going to do next.

“Try to keep your throat open. I’m going to pour the alcohol in slowly, and if you can swallow it as it’s going down, it will make this easier on you.”

“Sounds like you’ve said those words a time or two before,” I counter. “Lucky for you, I’m good at swallowing.”

My ears may be deceiving me, but I swear, I hear a small growl come from him. “You’re not making it easy for me to be a gentleman, Penelope. I’m trying really hard to be on my best behavior...”

“Well, where’s the fun in that?”

Shaking his head, he brings the shot glass over my mouth, and I wait for him to direct me again. “Open up.”

Leaving my mouth parted once more, I stare up at him and watch the concentration on his face as he tips the glass over slowly and the vodka hits my tongue. The sensation is foreign, particularly because I’m taking a shot in an entirely different way, but as soon as I open up my throat and feel it slide down, another spark of adrenaline rushes through me as pride spreads across Maddox’s face.

“Attagirl.” At a painstakingly slow pace, he finishes emptying the shot into my mouth while slowly sliding his hand down the column of my throat with a soft graze of his fingertips on my flesh. My heart threatens to jump out of my chest from the caress, and once he’s done, he drags his fingers across my collarbone as he releases me. I swallow the last little bit, still with my head tipped back. “How was that?” he asks as our eyes stay locked on one another. Mine trail him as he starts back toward his seat, forcing me to finally drop my head down.

Borderline orgasm-inducing just watching your face and feeling your hand on my throat. “Interesting. Different. Who taught you how to do a shot like that?”

He rounds the booth, and instead of going back to his seat, he motions for me to scoot over as he slides in next to me. “I picked up a few useful things in college besides how to play football.”

“Is that right?”

“Like I said earlier, I’m a man of many talents, Penelope.”