“Probably not the best way to walk into your parents’ house, but if you think you can keep your dick in check...” I shrug, and he pulls me into his chest.

“Don’t worry. I can wait until later to show you exactly how hard it makes me.”

Moaning, I pull his lips to mine. “I’m counting on it.”

“Ew! Uncle Maddox is kissing a lady!” a small voice shouts, breaking us apart just as quickly as our lips met.

“Stella Bella!” Maddox releases me, opens the door, and scoops up the little girl I met earlier, her giggles echoing through the house as he runs inside with her.

Leslie holds the door open so I can follow him through. “Good to see you again, Penelope.”

“Likewise, Leslie. You got that champagne? I could really use a glass after today.”

She smiles and nods at me. “You’ve got it.”

“Is that her?” A tall brunette with the same hazel eyes as Maddox comes around the corner, practically dancing on her toes.

“Hi. I’m Penelope. It’s so nice to—” I’m cut off by who I assume is Maddox’s mother yanking me into her for a hug.

“Oh my gosh, you are just the most gorgeous thing,” she squeals.

“Miranda, let her go. Jesus.” A male voice rings out behind us, pulling my attention in his direction.

Once Miranda lets go of me, I come face-to-face with a man who is as big and brawny as Maddox and is covered in tattoos, just like his son.

If the way this man looks is any indication of what Maddox will look like in twenty-to-thirty years, sign me up, please!

“Hi. It’s so nice to meet you both. Thank you for welcoming me into your home,” I say as my eyes finally glance around to take in the ranch-style house that Maddox called home as a child. It has the same feel as my childhood home—photos all over the walls, smells of freshly made food cooked with love, and little quirks that show how well lived-in the space is.

Out of nowhere, Maddox comes up beside me, kisses the top of my head as he wraps his arm around my waist, and pulls me tightly to his chest. “Mom, Dad. This is Penelope. She’s the PR rep the Bolts hired—and my girlfriend.”

“I have heard so much about you,” Miranda says.

I look up at Maddox, and all he does is shrug. “I told you, I’m a momma’s boy.”

“All good things, I hope?”

She nods and leads me into the kitchen where Leslie hands me a glass of champagne. I give her a silent “thank you” and then take a seat at the kitchen counter.

“Are you hungry, dear? I made drumsticks earlier, baked beans, coleslaw...”

“You wanna eat?” Maddox asks as he pulls two plates from the cupboard. And at that moment, I realize the last time I ate was about six this morning.

“Yes, please.”

“So tell us all about you, Penelope,” Miranda begins.

“Let the girl relax for a moment,” Maddox’s dad interjects, cracking open a beer. “The last thing the woman probably needs is a Southern woman’s inquisition,” he says in a twang that instantly makes me smile.

“No, tell us how you two met,” Leslie chimes in, leaning against the counter, ready for all the dirt.

And in that moment, I feel it. The love, the friendship, the community this man has makes him exactly who he is.

So I don’t hold back because I think honesty is the best policy, after all. “Well, it all started with a dirty joke...”

* * *

“Strip for me, babe.” Maddox releases my lips just long enough for him to rip his shirt over his head and toss it somewhere in the room.