“Jesus. I just—I need a minute, okay?” Shaking my head, I let my guilt consume me and then dissipate until I feel strong enough to speak.

“I met someone. That’s why I’m here. He reminds me so much of you. But I want you to know that he’ll never replace you. I’ll never forget you. I loved you and always will, and I’m so sorry I didn’t listen to you that day. But I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want to love again. I want to be loved the way you loved me.” I reach up and wipe under my eyes. “You will always be such an important part of my life, but my future is waiting for me. I just wanted to say goodbye before I take that final step, and I hope you’ll be cheering me on as I do.”

I spin around and lay down in the grass, staring up at the sky as it changes color, relieved that I finally got to say those words to him here. My eyes continue to leak, and my heart continues to crack and then mend in my chest as I release the turmoil I’ve been holding on to for years. It almost feels like someone is lifting a hundred-pound brick off my chest.

Peace washes over me, calm infiltrates my veins, and my body feels lighter when I turn my head to watch the sun drop closer to the horizon.

And that’s when my phone dings, making me jump.

I reach in my pocket and swipe across the screen to find a text from Maddox, and my heart skips a beat.

The first thing he sent is a picture of the sunset. And I gasp. Because then I read his message.

Maddox:Is it the same one you’re looking at wherever you are in the world right now?

And then, a few seconds later, a follow-up text comes through.

Maddox:I miss you, but I’ll be here when you’re ready.You and I are meant to be, Penelope. And that’s something I will not let you argue with me about.

It’s like he knew I needed to hear this, at this very moment.

And now I know what else I need to do.

* * *

“Who are you?” A little girl dressed in a princess dress stares up at me through a screen door. After four hours of traveling, the last thing I expected was to be interrogated by a miniature person. But then it dawns on me—this must be Stella.

“Uh, I’m Penelope. Is your mommy or daddy home?”

“Mommy! There’s a lady at the door!” she shouts, running off and leaving me sweltering in the humidity but amused at how short a kid’s attention span can be.

Luckily, just a few seconds later, a woman with a short blonde bob approaches me, wiping her hands on a dish towel. “Can I help you?”

“I hope so. Are you Leslie?”

She arches a brow at me. “Who’s asking?”

“My name is Penelope Klein, and I—”

“Oh, shit.” She turns around, probably to see if the munchkin from before overheard her, and then faces me once more. “You’re here?”

“Yes, I am. I’m sorry to show up unannounced like this, but your house was closer to the airport than anyone else’s on my list, so...”

On the flight down to Texas, I searched through all of the contact information I had for the filming cast and crew—the filming I was supposed to be in charge of—and researched the closest relative of Maddox’s so I could get in contact with them. I’d tried calling him, but he wasn’t picking up. I’m hoping that’s just because his phone died, not because he changed his mind about us. Hopefully, Leslie can allay my doubts in just a few moments.

She opens the screen door, steps outside, and closes the actual door behind her. “I’m surprised to see you. Maddox made it sound like you wouldn’t be joining us at all anymore.”

“Well, I was able to take care of some personal items quicker than I anticipated, and I wanted to be here for the duration of the trip. I need to speak with him desperately. Do you know where he is? He’s not answering my calls.”

Crossing her arms over her chest, she stares me down. “He’s probably still at the high school where the camp was held, and he usually turns his phone off while he’s there. Today was the last day—he always insists on being the last to leave.” I sigh out my relief. “But I’m going to tell you right now: If you’re here to break his heart even more—”

“I’m not,” I interject. “I’m not, Leslie. Gosh, I’m sure Maddox has told you a little bit about our relationship, and I have to say, the man is a saint for putting up with me.” She nods but doesn’t say anything. “I just needed some time to get my head on straight. Sometimes, as women, we live up there in a constant circle of thoughts, you know? But I’m here. I need to talk to him. And I hope that after we speak, you and I will get the chance to know each other better.”

Her face softens.

“I know how much he loves you and your family. He speaks of you all the time. You guys are one of the most important parts of his life, so I would love to get the chance to find out why. But he and I need to iron out a few things first.”

She studies me with a narrowed gaze. “You know, I wasn’t sure if getting involved with you was a good idea. He’s told me all about your relationship and the secrecy of it.”