“But we’re supposed to leave for Texas tomorrow for the filming.”

“I would talk to Charles because I’m sure she already has, and he’ll have a plan in place. But don’t act like you know anything else, given your working relationship.”

“I’m so sick of hiding how I feel about her, Amelia. I want the whole fucking world to know.”

Her smile is comforting. “I can tell, and you’ll get there. You’re just on the bumpy and scary part of the ride right now. Every relationship goes through them, often more than once. Think of this like the big hill you climb on a rollercoaster before you drop down and scream.”

“I fucking hate rollercoasters.”

That makes her laugh. “Sorry. That was the only analogy I could think of.”

I let out the breath I was holding and then turn for the door. “It’s okay. Thanks for the advice.”

“No problem. And Maddox?”

I spin to face her. “Yeah?”

“I’m rooting for you two.”

“Yeah, me, too.”

* * *

Two days later, I’m boarding a plane with Liam, who looks like one smug motherfucker as I battle my anxiety about taking off. I hate flying and would have felt far more comfortable with Penelope by my side, but I still haven’t heard from her. And since she was gone, Liam stepped up to accompany me home for the film footage and my football camp.

When we landed, Leslie picked me up from the airport and drove me home while Liam took an Uber to his hotel. She tried to console me as best she could given the situation, but ultimately this trip—one that I had been looking forward to for the past month—is quickly becoming an emotional nightmare.

I fucking miss her. I wonder if she’s okay. I wonder if she’s thinking about me, too. Is this space going to do her some good, or will she return and realize that she doesn’t want me anymore?

I hate that I honestly can’t answer those questions with confidence.

I go to my parents’ house that night for dinner. I play with Stella and Gavin and watch movies with them until we all fall asleep. The next morning, I wake up and do the best I can to celebrate the Fourth of July with my family. But as the sun sets in the distance and the sky lights up with purples and blues, I know the only thing that would make the night complete is having Penelope by my side.

So I send her a text, even though Amelia and Leslie told me not to. But I hope it’s the right move to get her to see that we belong together.

Because I can’t imagine a world where we don’t.



“Oh my God, she’s actually here, Brad. She’s actually here.” The moment I come around the corner with my suitcase to look for my mom, I hear her voice. Tears fill her eyes as she rushes toward me, and I intercept her for a hug. We squeeze each other so hard that I swear she makes more tears fall.

When she releases me, I look up and find my dad barely holding it together. “Hey, sweet pea.”

“Hey, Dad.” I take a moment to greet him, too, knowing that this homecoming of mine is just as emotional for my parents as it is for me.

I made it here. I went home. The plane ride was nerve-wracking, and my chest has been tight since I booked the flight, but right now, I’m so fucking relieved to see my parents that I feel like I climbed a mountain and finally made it to the top.

Once we all wipe our tears and blow our noses on the tissues my mother always has in her purse, we make our way to the car. And then my parents drive me home through Waynesville, Ohio.

The girls offered to come with me when I texted them and told them where I was headed, but I was adamant that I needed to do this on my own. But knowing they all would have dropped everything and put their lives on hold to accompany me is exactly why those women are the best girls I’ve ever known.

I feel like I’m being transported back in time as I look out the window and notice that while so much hasn’t changed, so much has. Trees still line the roads, and small shops and businesses are still flourishing in some parts, but there are more people now, more bustle, more memories hitting me as we drive.

“We’re getting an Old Navy next month, Penelope!” my mother exclaims as we cruise past one of the few shopping complexes in town.

“Oh, boy. Waynesville is moving up in the world, isn’t it?”