“But I feel like we’re still missing pieces of the story with Maddox.”

Shuddering, I breathe in again, preparing myself to fill in the gaps. “You are. Well, the night we met, something about him got under my skin. The sex was...”

“Mind-blowing?” Noelle asks and then her eyes bug out. “Oh my God! That morning, when you were talking about Garret and his taxidermist, that wasn’t about him, was it? It was about you and Maddox!”

“Ding, ding, ding!” I reply sarcastically.

“I knew that didn’t make sense,” she scoffs. “Who the hell is a taxidermist anymore?”

“I’m sure they still exist, but let’s get back to the story, shall we?”

She nods. “Okay, yes. I feel like I’m living in one of my romance novels right now.” She claps her hands, making me laugh, which I needed right now.

“So anyway, the reaction I had to him I haven’t had since Jacob, and it freaked me out. That’s why I didn’t say anything, particularly because I didn’t think I’d ever have to address it. Then, flash forward to six weeks later, and Charles tells me I’m the new PR rep for the Bolts—and Maddox had just been traded a few weeks before. All of those feelings came rushing back, and apparently I wasn’t the only one who felt them.”

“He felt it, too?” Charlotte clarifies.

“Oh, the boy was determined to get me to cave again. And no matter what I told him—how I don’t do relationships or how this would jeopardize both of our careers—the man wouldnottake no for an answer—and ultimately, I was tired of fighting what I felt.”

“You like him,” Amelia announces with a smile on her face.

“I do. And I don’t think ‘like’ is a strong enough word anymore.”

I swear Amelia is holding back a squeal.

“So you’ve been seeing each other in secret?” Charlotte interjects.


She smacks the table. “God, I knew it! I saw the way he looked at you at the Puppy Palooza and the night of our wedding—the man looked starved for you, like he wanted to mark you in front of everyone.”

“You have no idea how commanding the man can be, and it’s so fucking hot. And ladies—he’s pierced.”

Their eyes go wide. “Damn.”

“You know when you see a new dick for the first time?”

Noelle furrows her brow at me. “Yeah?”

“And there’s like an adjustment period?”

“What do you mean?”

“You have to adjust to the sight of that one. Penises come in all shapes and sizes, right? And no two are alike. So when you meet a new one, you have to prepare yourself for what it might look like. And even sometimes, if it’s a repeater dick, the second observation still takes you by surprise.”

By now, all of my friends are staring at me. “Oh my God, the dick adjustment period, Penelope? Really?”

“Yup. Well, with Maddox, there was no adjustment period, ladies. Just pure adoration and obsession manifesting itself like someone snapped their fingers.” I sigh. “And now I’m addicted. This is one penis I don’t think I can leave behind.”

“Then don’t,” Amelia interjects. “Don’t leave him behind.”

“He’s ruined everything, you guys!” I reach up and push my fingers into my hair, yanking a bit in my frustration because the reality of my confession is hitting me square in the chest. “My life is ruined because Maddox Taylor swaggered in with his giant pierced cock and made me start feeling shit again.”

“Uh, Penelope, I know you’re basically going through an existential crisis right now, but why does it mean your life is ruined? Just because Maddox is making you open up?”

I point a finger at my chest now. “Because for the last twelve years, I’ve kept my heart locked up tight with multiple keys, and now the cages have burst wide open, and all of these feelings are flying out. I haven’t allowed myself to feel something for a man since Jacob—until now.”

“That’s just... sad,” Charlotte says softly. “I feel sorry for you. That’s no way to live.”