Page 43 of Hunted

He shook his head.

“Prime Nial. Who’s above him?”

He frowned, then said, “No one.”

“Exactly. No one. While there are a few admirals, and Doctor Helion at I.C. Core Command, I report directly to the Prime. Everyone reports to me. Everyone else in the Coalition Fleet is under my direct command. Everyone. Think about that.”

He crossed his arms over his broad chest, looked down at the floor. When he didn’t say anything, I kept talking, blurting more words.

“Commander Karter is in charge of one battlegroup. I’m in charge of training cadets who go to hundreds of battlegroups all over the Fleet. I’m in charge of operations on multiple fronts, including I.C. missions.”

“Like the Nexus unit,” he said, tilting his head so he looked at me with intense, pale eyes.

I nodded. “Yes. Like capturing the Nexus unit. My job never stops, because the people who report to me never stop. The fight never ends.”

“You have to rest sometime,” he replied. “You have to take off the uniform at some point.”

I nodded. “I do. I did when I was bride tested. It was between terms, and I was on The Colony visiting friends. Then you happened, the whole hot mess with the Hive prison. But now the term is beginning. That doesn’t wait because I’ve been mated. I have a job to do, Quinn. An important job. Thus, the meeting you interrupted.”

He shook his head. “I apologize for disturbing your meeting.”

I stared at him, wide-eyed. Those words were unexpected.

“But I think you need disturbing. You might be vice admiral, but I’m your mate.”

I wanted to find the nearest wall and beat my head against it. And I hadn’t even brought up the way he’d answered for me when the Prillon warrior had offered to take over the meeting.

One fight at a time.


“It is my job to see that Niobe, not Vice Admiral Niobe, is fed, rested, safe, happy. Healthy.”

“Fine, but I have to get back to my meeting.”

“No, you don’t. The Prime’s guy can handle it.”


“No. Strip.”

I stepped back. “No.”

“Yes,” he countered. “Strip.”

“I heard you the first time.” I took another step back.

“Then do as I say.”

“I’m too mad to have sex with you.”

His pale brow went up. “Oh really?” When he took a deep breath, his nostrils flared. “You’re wet.”

I was. Damn it.

“You can’t boss me around. Drag me out of meetings and tell me what to do.”

“I apologized for the meeting. As for the rest, yes, I can boss you around. I can te