She’s right. And I’ve never been happier. I just don’t know if I’m ready to throw that much caution to the wind right now.

“As much fun as it is to talk about humping and drinking, what’s going on with the case?” Kennedy asks.

“It’s such a mess. I still think his ex-wife is hiding something, but Dallas disagrees. She’s never been in any kind of trouble, never done anything shady that would make anyone suspect her, but there’s just something about her I don’t trust.”

Paige laughs and cocks her head at me. “Um, could it be the fact that you think Dallas slept with her?”

I huff indignantly. “No! It has nothing to do with that.”


“Did you even ask him if he slept with her? That doesn’t seem like something Dallas would do,” Kennedy adds.

Of course I haven’t asked him. That would just scream “jealousy.” I’m not jealous of Stephanie Covington. Even though she’s ten years younger than I am and has the body of a porn star.

“It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t think we need to question her again, so we aren’t. We’re doing everything together so I’m just going to go along with it.”

“Just because you’re playing nice doesn’t mean you have to do everything he says. If you have a gut instinct about something, you should always go with it. Or at least argue your case. I’ve heard you know a thing or two about doing that,” Kennedy says with sarcasm.

I shake my head at her. “Fine. I’ll mention it to him again. He’s just convinced that Miles is guilty. I’ll admit, the guy is slime, but I just don’t see him shooting someone in cold blood. He’s kind of all talk. And he’s got an alibi for the time frame that Richard was killed,” I tell them.

“Well, don’t back down. You’ve come a long way, Grasshopper, but there is still more to learn,” Kennedy says in her best kung-fu voice.

Just then, Snowball jumps up onto the bed right next to her and hisses.

“Oh, my God, seriously? Get the fuck away from me, fur ball!” she shouts.

This just makes the poor cat angrier. She stands up on her hind legs and bats her paws angrily against Kennedy’s arm.

“OW! You are such an asshole!”

Rushing over to the bed, I pick Snowball up and carry her to the door, tossing her out into the hallway, where she runs away hissing and growling.

“Seriously, what is that cat’s problem?” Kennedy complains, examining the scratches on her arm.

“Cats can sense when people hate them,” Paige tells her.

“Of course I fucking hate her! All she does is bitch at me. She’s worse than my father,” Kennedy argues.

“Okay, I think I’m ready to watch my ex-husband get married to the man of his dreams,” I tell them, spinning around slowly with my arms out.

Kennedy whistles and Paige claps.

“If I was a lesbian, I would totally bang you. Just sayin’,” Kennedy tells me.

“Have fun at the wedding, get drunk, and then give Dallas a booty call,” Paige says with a laugh.

I shake my head at both of them, grab my black clutch off of my dresser, and head out. I’d much rather stay home and work on the case, but I need to get this over with. It’s time to say good-bye to one chapter of my life.


Darling, you look stunning,” Doug tells me, holding my hands and kissing each cheek.

I smile at him and take in his black Armani suit. “And you look quite dashing yourself. I’m so happy for you, Doug.”

I realize it’s true as soon as the words leave my mouth. I thought I would be bitter and angry being here at his wedding, but I’m not. Aside from his being gay, it’s glaringly obvious we weren’t meant to be married. Neither one of us was truly happy when we were together. We kept who we were buried deep inside. Looking back now, walking in on him with another man and then ending our marriage was the right thing for both of us.

“I’m so glad you could be here today, Lorelei, especially after everything that happened between us. It means so much to me.”

I can tell he’s getting choked up. I don’t want him to have any regrets. This is his day and he should be ecstatic. A waiter passes by with a tray full of champagne and I quickly grab two glasses, handing one to Doug.

“Now is not the time to be maudlin. Drink up and be happy.”

We clink our glasses together. Doug takes a sip and I down my entire glass in three swallows. Setting my glass on the bar, I grab the arm of another waiter and snatch a second glass off of his tray.

Doug’s jaw drops as I chug this one as well.

“Lorelei Warner, are you going to get drunk tonight?” he asks with a laugh.

I nod my head. “I was thinking about it. Gary’s cousin hasn’t left me alone the entire evening. I thought I told you not to seat him anywhere near me?”

Doug laughs and has the decency to look guilty. “Sorry, darling. Gary was sure you and Niles would hit it off.”

“Five minutes after he met me, he asked if I wanted to go out to his car and smoke pot. Then he told me I reminded him of his mother and immediately asked if we could make out.”

Niles is the reason why I’ve had three glasses of champagne so far. Wait, no, make that five.

Doug laughs again and pats me on the arm. “I’m sorry. If it makes you feel any better, Niles’s mother is stunning.”

“It does NOT make me feel any better, thank you very much. You’re lucky this wedding is open bar,” I scold.