“Well, I lied earlier when I told you I wasn’t planning on doing any more investigating without you. I have the file for Miles Harper in my car. I was planning on stopping at his office when I left here.”

Since he’s been so honest with me tonight, I feel it’s only right to go with full disclosure at this point.

He chuckles and pulls away from me, grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers through mine. “Yeah, I already figured as much. That’s why I trailed your ass here. Crashing dinner with your parents was just an added bonus.”

We walk around the front of my car and he opens my door for me.

“So are we really doing this? Working together without killing each other?” I ask as I slide into the seat and Dallas leans his arm on top of my open door.

“I’m not about to let you out of my sight, so that’s affirmative.”

I bristle at his words and glare at him.

“Don’t give me that look. I know you’re perfectly capable of handling this. It’s for my own peace of mind, all right? I don’t want to walk in on another scene like the one at Jameson’s house.”

His words calm me somewhat and I’m shocked that I believe him. And to be honest, it will be nice to have someone with experience by my side.

And someone who kisses so well.

“I’ll follow you to Harper’s office. Are they expecting you?”

I start my car and nod. “Yes. I called his secretary. He’s staying at the office late for a meeting so he agreed to speak with me.”

Dallas leans into the car and presses his lips to mine. I immediately get wrapped up in the kiss as his tongue slowly swirls around my own. He pulls back much too soon, pressing a kiss to my cheek before backing out of my car. He closes my door for me and I watch in my rearview mirror as he walks back to his car.

I’m working with Dallas Osborne without the need for blackmail or coercion and he just kissed me again like it was the most natural thing in the world. This is about to get very interesting. Or very messy.


Well, if it isn’t Lorelei Warner. When my secretary told me you requested a meeting I almost couldn’t believe it.”

On the way up to Miles’s office, Dallas gave me a few pointers. Be nice, but not too nice, and don’t let on that we’ve seen the e-mail correspondence between Richard and him. The way Kennedy, Paige, and I came across those wasn’t exactly legal and if anyone knows the ins and outs of the law, it would be Miles Harper. He graduated at the top of our class at Harvard and I found out in my research that any day now he’s going to be appointed as a judge in Indiana. Rumor also has it that he’s being positioned for a seat on the Indiana Supreme Court and that’s why he’s on such a fast track in his career.

Obviously, someone of his caliber would have a lot to lose if word got out that he was blackmailing one of the richest men in the state. Or if he killed him.

“Miles, it’s so good to see you again.”

I plaster a smile on my face as he rounds his desk and takes both of my hands in his before leaning in to kiss my cheek. My parents adore Miles, of course, and the few times we’ve seen each other, I’ve tolerated him. He throws his social standing and wealth around every chance he gets and it’s nauseating.

“I must say, Lorelei, I like the new look,” he tells me, staring me up and down. When Dallas did it earlier in the evening, it shot a thrill through my body. When Miles does it, I want to go home and shower.

“Hi, I’m Dallas Osborne. I work with Lorelei.”

Dallas shoves his arm between me and Miles and I silently thank him for the interruption. Miles drops my hands and shakes Dallas’s outstretched one.

“I thought maybe my secretary had made a mistake. When she told me Lorelei Warner was requesting a meeting as a private investigator, I nearly died laughing. So it’s true you’ve given up your legal career for something frivolous? What is it you do exactly? Take down hardened criminals?”

Miles laughs at me mockingly and it makes my blood boil.

“Actually, yes, that’s exactly what she does. If you don’t mind, we’re investigating the death of Richard Covington. We know the two of you worked together, so we’d just like to ask you a few questions.”

Miles perches casually on the edge of his desk.

“Really? So the rumors are true. Lorelei Warner has kissed her stellar legal career good-bye to follow a lifelong dream of . . . what? Pretending she’s a hard-ass among the dregs of society?” Miles says with a laugh. “Your parents must be having a field day.”

Telling my parents off gave me such a high of satisfaction that I’m still floating on that. I would have no problem punching Miles in his smug face.

“Speaking of parents, how is your father doing? Is he going to be up for parole anytime soon?”

I know I shouldn’t stoop to his level, but I can’t help myself. Three years ago Miles’s father, then president of Indiana State Bank, was convicted of embezzlement. Miles has had a hard time clearing the family name and working his way back up the social ladder. I know my point hits home when I see the smile vanish from his face. In its place is barely concealed fury. Good. That’s exactly what I want. A man fueled by anger is more likely to slip up.

“Ask your questions. I have work to do,” Miles informs me through clenched teeth.

“How many years did you work with Richard Covington?” Dallas asks.

Miles tears his angry gaze from mine and looks over at Dallas. “I was part of his legal team for fifteen years—attorney-client privilege,” Miles tells him, folding his arms in front of him.