Page 36 of Her Cyborg Warriors

“You know I’m going with a crew of six,” Rachel said to me. “Maxim and Ryston are just as nuts as you are about security. Six armed guards on an uninhabited planet. All we’ll be doing is taking samples and doing some analysis.”

Six armed guards. The thought made me smile. Of course. The governor and his second would not allow their treasured female to be in danger. “I am not some kind of tree seed, and neither are your mates,” I countered. “But I concede your point. If Mikki can help with the project, she must go.”

Mikki’s smile made my heart leap. I had pleased her, which pleased me. But I instantly thought of my parents. The loss. This wasn’t the same. I wasn’t giving up rules and protocols to please my mate. She was going with a dedicated crew on a scientific mission. Protocols were in place. She would be with Rachel, who I was satisfied would never be unprotected. Not as the governor’s mate.

Rachel stood. “Let’s get the hell out of Dodge before Surly over there changes his mind.”

“Mate,” I called. Mikki stopped, turned to face me and Trax.

“I shall allow you to go.”

“Allow?” she countered, tapping her foot.

“Allow,” I repeated. “Rachel, she will catch up with you at transport.”

The human must have understood we wanted privacy, for she picked up her things and left, the door sliding closed behind her.

“Now, mate. You may go to Valuri, but I must have you first. My cock is hard and needs sating.”

Heat flared through the collars. Trax went to work on her pants, quickly opened them and worked them over her hips.

“Is this protocol? Fucking your mate before she heads off to work?” she asked.

I grinned. She wasn’t averse to what we were about to do. In fact, when Trax lifted her up and set her upon my workbench, removing her pants the rest of the way so she was bare to us, she didn’t resist. She helped by toeing off her shoes and letting them fall to the floor.

Opening my own pants and gripping my cock, stroking it, I stalked toward her. “Mate protocol 2.467a.”

Her eyes widened. “Seriously?”

“Yes.” I dropped to my knees before her, pushed her thighs wide. “Part A is eating a mate’s pussy until she screams her release.” Leaning in, I kissed my way up her thigh toward her center. I scented her arousal, saw it. Her juices, our cum still on her.

“Protocol 2.467b is fucking her until she forgets her name,” Trax added. “Both of us.”

There was no such thing as protocol 2.467, a or b, but she didn’t know that. When I put my mouth on her, she didn’t care either, tangling her fingers in my hair. It seemed we’d found some rules she wouldn’t fight.