Our little fireball interrupted the almighty doctor. “For being a good girl? Again, no. And gray isn’t really my color. I’m more of a reds and yellows kind of girl. A bit of blue, ocean colors. Sand. Gray, not so much. If you really want me to wear gray every day for the rest of my life, I think I need to trade you in for a new Prillon mate right now.”
Surnen’s mouth fell open as if he were momentarily stunned. “You will not wear my colors?”
“Not if gray is the only option, no.”
“And you will not submit to a standard physical examination?”
“I won’t submit, period.”
I did my best to hide my smile at the dumbfounded look on Surnen’s face. His gaze moved to mine, and he wasted no time in chastising me. “You find our mate’s defiance humorous?”
“No. I find you humorous. You, arguing with our mate, naked. It appears not everyone in the universe will bow to your rules and regulations.”
With Surnen grumbling in frustration, I made myself a warm, safe wall at Mikki’s back as he returned his attention to convincing her that he was right.
He was always, always right. Most of the time I didn’t question him. He was brilliant, disciplined and honorable. Three reasons I’d agreed to be his second and chosen him as mine—should I have been lucky enough to be matched first. But this female was more exquisite in her defiance than I could have ever imagined.
“My only intention has been to protect and serve you,” he explained. “The medical exam is to ensure you are healthy. Covering yourself in gray would notify everyone on Prillon Prime that you are a member of my family, under my protection. For doing my duty, you would now refuse me? Refuse our nearly perfect match and request another male as your primary mate?” Surnen’s voice actually shook. I had never seen him so… frantic. Panicked. He hid it well, but I knew this male better than I knew anyone else on The Colony, and I had never seen him this close to losing control. He was stumped.
My gaze whipped to Mikki because I needed to know her answer as well. She had accepted me, but now Surnen truly was her primary male. If she refused him now, I could not make a claim on her, not without dishonoring my friend, and that I would never do. He was an honorable male. He had suffered more than most. I prayed to the gods that Mikki would not deny him. Deny us both.
My breath held as I awaited her answer.
She frowned. “No, you idiot. I just got here, and you’re standing around, your huge cock bobbing in the breeze and telling me I have to submit to a medical exam. Not overly romantic.”
“Prillons do not require romance.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” Her eyes lowered to his cock once more.
“I am aroused by you. I find you lovely and desirable. I am not ashamed of my body’s reaction to your presence.”
“You shouldn’t be ashamed, not with that thing.” She pointed. “But trust me, if you want to get your hands on me, it’s going to be because I’m desired, not diseased. I do not need a stupid medical exam.”
Surnen pursed his lips, studied Mikki for a minute. She didn’t flinch, didn’t even squirm. I was used to his long pauses, his lengthy considerations. But this time the data he processed wasn’t scientific. It was emotional, irrational, female, and her happiness and cooperation were on the line. He would have to learn to take emotions and another person’s needs and desires into account from now on. I was a rule follower. No question. Any warrior had to follow directives, follow procedures. That was how we remained alive. That was the reason we didn’t panic in a battle. Structure and focus were what had kept us all from losing our minds when we’d been held prisoner and tortured by the Hive. I was eager to have a mate who submitted to her warriors, but I wanted her to give herself to us willingly, by choice, because we had earned her trust.
Surnen had to learn that Mikki’s trust, her submission to us would be all the more precious if given rather than forced.
He could not make her trust him, nor could he give her orders. She was not part of the Coalition Fleet. She was not military. She held no rank and no position except as his mate. His lady. And mine. Our female had a mind of her own, as he was quickly learning. A warrior would never dream of forcing a female who was unwilling. It simply was not done. If we could not earn her permission, we did not deserve to touch her. That was simple and true. Surnen knew this truth as well as I, and judging by the confused look on his face, he wasn’t sure what approach to take with a female who was so… different.
“As I said, and you can see, I am well pleased by you. I find you to be beautiful, desirable, perfect. I wish to show you pleasure and earn the right to claim you forever. I will not ask you to give yourself to us here.” Surnen flicked his gaze to mine.
Mikki chewed on her bottom lip, but the look in her eyes was confused. “Look, there was this dream, when I was tested, where they were—” She blushed, the dark rose color starting at the base of her neck and moving upward. I desperately wanted to know what she’d been about to tell us.
Lifting my hand, I placed it on her shoulder so she would feel me. My heat. My protection. My assurance worked, for she took a deep breath and finished her story.
“There was a dream where the woman, the mate, was being claimed by two warriors, and there were a bunch of other warriors standing around the edge of the room chanting or singing or something.”
Surnen nodded and I, too, knew to what she referred. “Ah, yes, the formal claiming. Those warriors were chosen as witness to provide additional protection to his mate. It is an honor to be chosen,” I answered.
“Really?” Mikki looked up at Surnen from under her lashes. “Well, I rejected that dream, and then Warden Bisset had to send me to a second dream, where the woman was alone with her men. No one else was there. That was much better. I just want to let you know that I don’t want that public claiming thing. So I’ll stay, and I’ll give you your thirty days, but no medical exam and no sex with a bunch of chanting peeping Toms standing around. Those are my conditions.”
“You do not wish us to honor you with a formal claiming?” Surnen’s shock was making him look ill, his normally golden hue fading to a pallid gray-green.
“Not if allowing you two to fuck me in front of a bunch of strangers is considered an honor.”
Surnen cleared his throat. “They are not strangers, and they would not be strangers to you. The warriors chosen are close friends, brothers, family or warriors we trust. You would know them well.”
Mikki swayed and tried to take a step back. “Oh, shit. That’s even worse. No. No way. I’m not doing that. Are we clear? Because if that’s not okay with you, I’ll just hit the reset button and forget any of this ever happened. They can get me a new match. And you, too. A woman who will go for that kind of thing.”