“I want to fuck your mouth while Maxim fucks your pussy.”

I could only nod and lick my lips. Yes, I wanted that. I wanted to please them both. While I didn’t have a problem with Ryston fucking me, fucking my pussy, Prillon rules didn’t allow it. Yet. I sensed how much he wanted to do so, but he didn’t seem bothered by the idea of coming in my mouth. It seemed all males, whether on Earth or a distant planet in space, liked to have their cock sucked.

“Yes,” I said.

With my approval, he stepped forward, but waited until Maxim lifted me up, aligned his cock with my opening and lowered me down. He was slow and careful about it, his cock big and the plug more than I’d ever handled before.

When I was seated on Maxim’s lap once again, I squirmed, not having all of him in me. With a hand pushing forward, I leaned toward Ryston’s cock. That shift had me taking the rest of Maxim’s cock and I gasped. So full.

Ryston put his cock right before me and I licked the pearly fluid at the tip, the taste of it salty on my tongue. I worked him like an ice cream cone until he tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled me gently toward him. He wanted in my mouth and I wasn’t going to refuse him.

Only when my mouth was open wide around Ryston and I began to move up and down his length did Maxim begin to fuck me. When he lifted me up, I shifted closer to Ryston, then away when he pulled me back onto his lap. With every move of Maxim’s hands, he had me fucking Ryston’s cock with my mouth. So thick, so hard over silky-soft skin. I didn’t have to move, didn’t have to do anything but let them take me.

No thinking was needed. Only feeling, and that was incredible. I sensed Ryston’s desperate pleasure at being sucked off. Maxim was proud to see me satisfying his second and taking him so well, especially with the plug.

I understood now about his earlier comment. I held all the power. While Maxim was moving me as he wanted and Ryston was controlling my breathing by pushing deeper and deeper into my throat, I could say no. I could tell them to stop. I could tell them I wanted other mates. Our relationship, our match, relied completely on me. It was my decision.

I had both of them by the balls and I wasn’t letting go.

It was heady, knowing I had so much power over two virile, dominant males. In that, they made me stronger, knowing I was protected, sheltered, cherished. I could handle arrogant jerks like Dr. Surnen. I could handle whatever evil was hurting people on the Colony. With Maxim and Ryston, I could handle anything.

And so could they.

I gave over then. Held nothing back. I opened my body, my mind, my heart completely. With our emotions and desires swirling between us, it didn’t take long to come a second time. I couldn’t hold back, even if they demanded I do so. I sensed their need was just as great and yet they were waiting for me.

I toppled over the edge, milking Maxim’s cock with a ruthlessness that had him gripping my hips tightly, pulling me down on him and burying himself deep.

My scream was stifled by Ryston’s cock. Maxim groaned his pleasure and I felt the hot pulses of seed filling me. My pleasure brought on Maxim’s, which destroyed Ryston. Tugging on my hair, he pulled me onto his cock, and with a tight hold, he came, flooding my mouth with his essence.

It was too much. They were too much. We were perfect. There was no question that when we worked through the troubles the Base faced they’d claim me. I’d let them, too. For while we hadn’t gone through the official claiming ceremony, and whatever that entailed, I was already theirs.