With the side of my head pressed against his chest, I could hear the steady beat of his heart, feel the warmth seep from him and into me.

“I’m sorry, mate. I should not have lost my temper.”

I shook my head, as much as his hold would allow, at his rough tone. “Don’t be. I want to throw something as well.”

Maxim’s soft words made me shudder. “You believe there is something sinister going on. That we are being poisoned? Hunted like prey?”

At Maxim’s words, Ryston released me, set me back on my feet. He turned me so my back was pressed against him, one of his big hands on my shoulder.

“I don’t know,” I said. It was the truth. “As a scientist, I have no evidence to support it, at least not yet. If the doctor is correct, then Quell was the cause of Brooks’ death.” I walked to him and pushed at his sleeve. I needed to see his arm again, look at the web of death working its way through his skin. “But have you taken Quell?”

“No. Never.”

“Let me see.”

Maxim complied by removing his shirt completely. Concerned as I was, I could not ignore the beauty of his heavily muscled chest and shoulders, the dark, creamy smoothness of his skin. I lifted my index finger and traced a single line of the black mark from biceps to shoulder. In the last few minutes, it had spread farther, moving at least two inches higher on his shoulder.

“Son of a bitch.” I pushed at him and he complied, turning away so I could inspect the growing marks that now touched his back. “This is moving fast. We don’t have a lot of time.”

Maxim turned, his hand closing over mine. I looked up at him and saw the whole freaking universe in his gaze. He believed in me. He was literally placing his life in my hands. “Rachel, you are a well-respected research scientist from your planet. You must find the answers we need.”

“I’m not sure Doctor Surnen will cooperate.”

A pulse of anger came at me from Ryston. “Fuck the doctor.”

I turned to him. “What about you? Do you have creepy black stuff spreading through your flesh? I don’t want any more surprises.” I turned to frown at Maxim. “Or secrets.”

Ryston turned to me, his right temple clearly on display. “I don’t know, mate. You tell me.”

I leaned forward eagerly and pulled him into the light. With a sigh of relief, I turned his face and tugged him down for a quick kiss. “No. Thank God.”

Knowing Maxim was in danger was terrifying. But if they’d both been in trouble, I wasn’t sure if I would have been able to cope.

Lifting my hand to muss Ryston’s perfect golden hair, I pushed him away and reached for Maxim. “I’m going to figure this out.”

“I have faith you will.”

“You could die.” The words were barely more than a choked whisper.

“If I do, you must vow to keep working, mate. Others will need your help.”

I shook my head in denial, but he cupped my cheeks in his large hands and lifted my face to his. “Promise me. No matter what happens to me, you won’t give up. You’ll keep fighting, for Ryston, and for the others.”

I could deny him nothing. “I promise.”

He kissed me, hard and fast and all too briefly. “We don’t have a lot of time. We need answers. Captain Brooks was a good man. A human. You know more about your species than Doctor Surnen. I need you to figure out what is happening to my warriors.” He looked down at his arm. “And to me.”