Maxim sighed, clearly impatient, but unwilling to argue with the warden. “What do we need to do?”

“Place her in the water and step back. I’ll transport you two first. Once the protocol is initiated, she will be just a few minutes behind.”

Ryston squeezed my hand and released me, albeit reluctantly. Maxim, too, seemed strangely upset at the idea of being separated from me, even for a short time.

For big, bad-ass aliens, they were acting like marshmallows. And I liked it. A lot.

Maxim kissed the top of my head before bending down and settling me in the blue water, clothes and all. The water was warm, like a nice hot bath, and I immediately began to feel lethargic, sleepy.

Processed for transport? What the hell did that even mean?

I turned my head to look at Warden Egara, but my questions were already fading from my mind, as if they no longer mattered. Nothing mattered. I felt like I was in a dream. An amazing, comfortable, wonderful dream. The warden gave a little wave and swiped her finger over the table. “Good luck, Rachel. Your new life will begin in three…two…one…”

I tried to stay awake, but the bright blue light surrounded us and my head was suddenly too heavy to hold up.

The wall made a soft scraping noise as large panels shifted, closing us in like rats in a cage. For a split second, all I could think about was the scientific reality of transport, of my body being torn into billions of chunks of data and somehow streamed hundreds of billions of miles away, across the universe, to some strange planet I’d never seen.

Assuming all of those billions of tiny pieces of me were reassembled in one piece, I’d still never see Earth again. I’d never again put on my white lab coat or drive my car. Or smell a rose. Or watch snow fall in the mountains. Or hold a puppy. Stupid things. Little things. But losing them all together, in one big clump, hurt.

I wasn’t ready for this. If I’d volunteered for the Brides Program, or planned to accept a match, I could have figured all this shit out before I had to give it up. In the rush, I felt like something was being stolen from me. Like the millions of little things that made me who I was were being taken away. And I had no choice.

Yes, I had two hunky aliens who vowed to protect me, but somehow, I wasn’t quite sure that was going to be enough. The thought of never sleeping in my own bed again had tears streaming from the corners of my eyes. Stupid, but there you go. I couldn’t get them to stop.

A little whimper escaped before I could control myself, but Maxim’s voice found its way inside me, calming me.

“You are mine, Rachel. I won’t allow any harm to come to you.”

The vow sank into my head and heart as I felt the vehemence of the words flow through Maxim’s body. He meant what he said.

He was mine. All mine. This giant, powerful, fierce warrior was devoted to me and only me. Like, die-for-me devotion.

It wasn’t a new life, but it was a start.

And damn it that didn’t make it a little too easy to trust him and surrender to the darkness that rose to take me.