“The moon base houses two unique weapons. The first is an energy shield generator. The force field created by this technology makes movement to and from the Xenon’s surface impossible. The second is a planetwide, low-frequency broadcast technology we believe they are using to keep the colonists on Xenon complacent or weakened in some way. A form of subtle manipulation or mind control.”

That caused a stir, and even Kass stiffened next to me.

“The moon base is, according to reports, unmanned and run by an automated defense system that is monitored remotely. We believe our Starfighter MCS team can get in close enough to the moon base in their ship to take down both systems. The energy shield and the mind-control frequencies are broadcast simultaneously. If we can eliminate one, we should eliminate both.”

What the hell? Mind-control frequency? Broadcast over an entire planet from one small base on one moon?

I nudged Kass again. “Does Earth have any of this stuff? This technology?”

He rubbed the top of my thigh with his palm. “I don’t know. It’s possible. Velerion would not have shared this technology. It’s been outlawed for centuries by the Galactic Alliance. But Queen Raya doesn’t exactly follow the rules. And our intelligence teams reported that she is interested in Earth for a future conquest.”

What a bitch. Would she set up a mind-control beam from Earth’s moon? To do what? “What does that technology do?”

General Jennix heard me and answered my question. “It generates fear frequencies and blankets the planet. They can’t be heard, but the energy affects the subconscious mind. It makes people sad, tired, depressed, angry, and hopeless. Mostly hopeless.”

“So they won’t fight back.”

“So they won’t fight back,” she confirmed.


She continued addressing everyone. “As you know, Xenon’s surface is not habitable. Only the five domed cities in the southern region can sustain life, and they cover a small area. The population of the planet is minimal. Less than fifty thousand. It was thought that Queen Raya would use the planet as an operational base, but she has not done so. We now believe Xenon was taken solely to be used as a production facility for IPBMs.”

“They wanted Xenon’s ore and factories,” Group Four Leader offered.

“Correct.” Jennix nodded. “And the highly trained workforce.”

“Slaves,” someone said.

“Prisoners of war,” Jennix corrected. “Soon to be liberated.”

Fifty thousand people were on that planet? That many prisoners forced to work for Queen Raya? And every single one of those lives depended on me to liberate them?

The air in the room grew too hot. Stifling.

Kass squeezed my leg, and I settled enough to listen in again.

“Since Xenon was enslaved, Queen Raya has had thousands of laborers at her disposal to quickly convert the factory and produce the IPBMs. They have focused their attention on missile production.”

“How does the Dark Fleet control the people if they don’t have a base?” Group Four Leader asked.

“The moon base station is their primary means of maintaining control. Data grids were installed to put a force field around the planet. Nothing can get through. No comms. No shuttles. They are under a net of Dark Fleet power. However, based on the drone data we were able to analyze, we believe they have at least two squadrons of Scythe fighters as well as significant ground forces on the surface. Taking the force field down will be the beginning of the battle, not the end of it.”

“How will this work?” one of the shuttle pilots asked.

“The MCS pair will hover over the moon base and shut down the force field and frequency generators. This will allow the Starfighter pilots, the Titans, and our remaining ground forces to access Xenon’s airspace. The shuttle pilots will follow with the ground forces. Once they land on the planet and are deployed, we will coordinate air and land strikes.”

“If we blow up the IPBMs at the factory, we’ll blow up the planet,” Group One Leader commented.

“We intend to launch the IPBMs and fire them into our star, Vega,” Kass said, his voice carrying. “Vega can absorb the energy of those missiles and remain unaffected.”

Jennix looked to Kass. “That is correct. The remainder of the mission debrief will be led by Kass and Mia, our new, and only, Starfighter MCS pair.”

Kass stood and I blinked at him. We were leading an entire mission? Yes. I knew we would. We had in the game. But in real life there were lives at risk. This wasn’t sexy times. This was life or death.

I popped to my feet, not wanting to embarrass Kass or the general.

Kass took my hand and led me to the front of the room to stand beside Jennix.