‘Punish me all you like, because it won’t change a thing. I am one hundred per cent besotted, head over heels in love with you, Boretti, and if you don’t take me to bed right now and make good on that promise, it’ll be you taking a spanking.’
My laugh fills the space, hers too. ‘You’re on.’
One yearlater
‘YOUREADY?’ Valentine is on my doorstep, looking model-worthy in his black sweater and jeans, his grin as excited as I feel.
‘Sure am.’
He turns his head a little, eyes me sceptically. ‘And you packed light?’
‘Of course. I do listen to you, you know.’
‘There was a time you didn’t.’
I laugh. ‘That’s nonsense and you know it.’ I step aside and show him my very modest suitcase, all packed and ready to go.
He picks it up, tests its weight with a downward smile. Impressed. ‘Best get a move on; the ferry won’t hang about for us.’
‘Lead the way.’
The Miura is gleaming in the sunlight, ready for its very first supercar tour across Europe. ‘And you’re absolutely positive your father doesn’t mind us going?’
‘I’ve already told you, he’ll come with us later in the year when a friend of his can join us. To be honest, he’s just happy we’re taking her out at all.’
He throws my tiny bag in the boot and we climb in. ‘We just have to make a pit stop on route.’
‘Really?’ I strap myself in, watch him get in beside me. ‘Why?’
‘You’ll see.’
‘You have me intrigued.’
He simply grins, covers his dancing blues with his sunglasses and starts the engine.
‘Is that really all I’m getting?’
As if to illustrate his point he turns the radio on and pulls out into the traffic. I smile and shake my head, pull my own sunglasses out of my handbag and slip them on before cosying down into the seat. It’s surprisingly comfortable, even with the engine vibrating through the cabin.
‘You are going to let me drive at some point, aren’t you?’
‘Play your cards right and I will.’
‘You say that a lot.’
‘Because it always brings me good things.’
I laugh. ‘You’re insatiable.’
‘You complaining, Little Kitten?’
‘Hell, no.’ I smooth my hand over his thigh and give it a squeeze. ‘Never.’