“Of course I like her.” He frowned. Why wouldn’t he? “She doesn’t like me. Especially after I implied she couldn’t find a date because she works too much.”

Hannah sucked in air through perfectly straight teeth. Looking at the other twin, it was impossible not to notice that the blond in her hair was much lighter than Hallie’s honeyed locks. How could he have been so clueless?

Then his embarrassment faded into a more volatile emotion and he growled, “Do you two get off on pretending to be each other?” He stood and yanked his jacket from the back of his chair before palming his journal. “I recall Will having a similar issue with the two of you.”

“Don’t raise your voice at my wife.” Will appeared out of nowhere to scowl at Gavin from the doorway.

“Oh, stop it.” Hannah shoved her husband before joining him in the hall. “Gavin’s just mad at himself.” She addressed Gavin next. “Talk to her. Sounds like you both have some explaining to do.” Hannah was still smiling.

Gavin ignored his oldest brother’s fierce expression. Outside, he pulled out his phone and sent a text—to Hallie this time.

We need to talk.

He didn’t expect to hear back, but he wasn’t waiting around for her approval. He climbed into his stone-gray Ford F-150 truck and sped toward her apartment.

“Ready or not, Hallie Banks,” he said as he gunned the engine and accelerated down the road, “here I come.”