Somehow she knew. Not only because the red wine wasn’t appetizing, or because Mags’s warning of “consequences” was timely, but because if Fate was real and Karma was the bitch everyone said she was, then of course Hallie would be pregnant.

Maybe her gut had been warning her away from Gavin all along. All those years of avoiding talking to him or approaching him.

He’d made her feel bulletproof, and she’d forgotten the reasons to be careful. She’d ignored that speeding, even on a back country road, could lead to an accident. She’d ignored that diving into ice-cold water could cause hypothermia. And she’d certainly ignored that birth control pills were not 100 percent effective. Especially, apparently, in her and her sister’s cases.

“I’m an idiot,” she said, her voice thin.

“No. You’re not.” Hannah touched Hallie’s shoulder.

“Yeah. I am.” A rogue wave of dizziness crested and Hallie reached for the sofa. When she lowered onto a cushion, she was immediately surrounded by her sister and her friends. She should’ve been grateful, but she was going through the blame phase of grief.

“This is your fault.” She pointed at Presley. “You were the one encouraging me to approach Gavin. I’m not ready to have a baby.” She had been trying to break out of her shell and learn more about herself, not create another human being she’d be responsible for over the next eighteen years.

And Gavin—what the hell was she supposed to tell him? He had no interest in settling down. Which was fine when they were just dating and just having sex. A baby would drastically change those temporary plans.

“Life is beautiful and happens in the order it should,” Presley consoled her. “Cash and I stumbled our way to happily-ever-after, you know. We didn’t plan to have a years-long break in between falling in love with each other again.”

“Gavin is not Cash,” Hallie reminded Presley.

Presley gave her a tight-lipped smile. If Hallie was expecting reassurance, it didn’t come. Cash and Presley had been college sweethearts. Cash had loved her even when he’d broken up with her and left Florida. Presley had fallen back in love with him when she returned to Beaumont Bay—if she’d ever fallen out.

There were few similarities to Hallie and Gavin’s story. She’d made a deal with the devilishly sexy Sutherland brother, agreeing to follow him wherever he led, no strings attached. And now she was pregnant with his baby.

“There are options,” Cassandra reminded her gently. “Do what’s right for you.”

Hannah exchanged glances with Hallie. Hannah knew Hallie’s heart. And so did Hallie. As much of a surprise as this pregnancy was, there was no way she wouldn’t welcome a baby into her world.

“Is anyone else tired of wine?” Cassandra asked, clearly in support. “I saw Sprite in your fridge, didn’t I, Pres?”

“Great idea.” Presley stood. “Hallie? Hannah?”

“We’ll drink Sprite. Won’t we?” Hannah rubbed her sister’s back.

Hallie nodded. Her friends bustled around refilling plates with extra slices of pizza and pouring clear soda into tumblers before garnishing them with wedges of lime. They weren’t willing to let Hallie dwell on the life-altering news she’d just learned. But there was something she’d have to do, and soon.

“I have to tell Gavin,” Hallie announced as she accepted a glass of soda from Cassandra. About the pregnancy, as well as another reality she didn’t want to think about. Her and Gavin’s affair had reached its end. They couldn’t continue having fun with a baby on the way. A baby was serious. And “serious” wasn’t what he was looking for. He’d said so himself.

“You can tell him when you’re ready.” Hannah held up her glass. “I promise I won’t say anything to anyone until you do. I won’t even tell Will.”

“What Cash doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” Presley agreed as she held up her glass.

“And Luke is fine in the dark. I think he prefers it.” Cassandra’s glass joined the other two as they all looked to Hallie expectantly.

Hallie tapped her glass with the others. “Thanks. All of you. I appreciate your support.”

“Whatever you choose to do,” Pres said, “about the pregnancy or Gavin, we have your back.”

Cassandra and Hannah agreed, and then they all drank on it.