“Really.”Ruby’s pink lips pulled into an almost smile, her shrewd but friendly eyes taking in Hallie slowly. She tilted her head at Gavin. “I didn’t realize you were seeing someone.”

Ruby, with her bright green purse and glittery nail polish, seemed a better dating option for outgoing Gavin than Hallie.

“She knows what she’s doing.” His arm hugged Hallie’s shoulders. She stiffened against him, surprised when he didn’t correct Ruby’s assumption. “I trust her.”

“Well. Then let’s get started,” Ruby said.

They tracked down the hallway, Gavin keeping his palm loosely pressed to Hallie’s lower back while Ruby chatted about her ideas for each room. Hallie was beginning to understand why he had needed help. She was already overwhelmed and she’d been in Ruby’s presence for a mere ten minutes.

Downstairs, Gavin backed out of the kitchen, his palms clasped together. “I’m going to take off if you two have it under control. Hals, you’ll call me if you need anything?”

“Of course. Yes.”

“Great. Ruby. Always a pleasure.” With that he was off, the door shutting behind him. Hallie watched out one of the giant windows as he pulled away in the same F-150 he’d had the day they’d test driven the red car. He’d told Chad he hadn’t been quite ready to trade the truck in yet. The salesman was understandably disappointed, but covered with a toothy smile, promising Gavin he’d find him the perfect ride.

“How new is it?” Ruby asked.

“The truck? I think a little over a year. He was going to trade it in, but he ended up keeping it. He likes the color gray.”

Ruby laughed, the sound throaty. “I meant you and Gavin seeing each other. How new is it?”

Oh. That. They weren’t seeing each other, but since he hadn’t corrected Ruby, Hallie felt as if she’d be breaking some sort of unspoken confidence if she denied it. “We haven’t been hanging out long, but we’ve known each other for a while.”

There. That was safe.

“What about you? How long have you known Gavin?”

Ruby regarded the beamed ceiling before jotting something into a small notebook. “Eleven, twelve years? Somewhere in there.”

Hallie felt her mouth form a perfect O.

“We studied prelaw together. I was going to be a lawyer when I grew up, but I changed my major.”

“To interior design.”

“Yep. Much more fun.” Ruby winked. “So, your sister married Gavin’s brother and you’re dating Gavin. You two always keep your romantic interests in the family?”

Ruby’s curiosity was natural, but resentment burbled to the surface anyway. Hallie was tired of being lumped in with her twin. As if she simply followed Hannah’s lead and didn’t make any decisions for herself. Rather than be rude, Hallie covered with, “They can tell us apart, so no issues there.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you.” The other woman’s smile was gentle and Hallie waved her off, realizing she’d taken Ruby’s remark personally. “We didn’t date or anything—Gavin and me—in case you were wondering.”

Hallie had been wondering but hadn’t wanted to pry. Plus, she liked to think if she and Gavin were actually dating, he’d have told her about dating Ruby prior to introducing them.

Ruby set her handbag down and rummaged through it. “He raced out of here before I could show him these. Was this what scared him off?” She tossed a giant stack of fabric swatches, held together with a metal ring, onto the countertop.

Hallie thumbed the stitching on one of the swatches. “Curtains?”

“Unless he’d rather have bamboo blinds. Or those fancy screens outfitted with a remote, but I would never suggest hiding this view.”

Hallie and Ruby struck an easy camaraderie from there. By afternoon they were excitedly sharing ideas and deciding on fabric. Craving a cup of coffee herself, Hallie offered Ruby one, as well. They settled at the massive countertop, mugs in hand.

“He had his priorities straight when he chose that fancy-ass espresso machine,” Ruby quipped.

“Agreed.” Not only did the machine grind the beans, but it also brewed the coffee and then frothed the milk automatically.

“I have to admit, I wasn’t sure what to think when Gavin handed me off to you.” Ruby cocked her head, her expression quizzical. “You know his style well for not having been seeing him long.”

Hallie laughed, slightly uncomfortable that Ruby had noticed. “He’s been in my periphery for a while.”