“I’m not insulting the women you date, more your method,” Cash answered. “The second they present a challenge, you pull away.”

“That’s not true.” But Gavin frowned. Because it felt true.

“You do what comes easy. It’s not an insult. It’s an observation.” Cash shrugged.

“Don’t we all do what’s easy?” Gavin asked, hoping the question was rhetorical. It wasn’t.

“Have you met our fiancées?” Luke deadpanned.

Fair point. Luke had asked Cassandra to bail him out of being named most eligible bachelor by pretending to be his fiancée. Forget that they’d dated years prior and things had not ended well. Cassandra agreed, but only because she wanted a hand in Will and Hannah’s wedding. Despite their bumpy start—and bumpier restart—it’d worked out in the end. And then there was Cash, who had been set up—by Gavin, no less—to let Presley stay at his place while writing her article for Viral Pop. Gavin liked to think those two found each other again thanks to him, although Cash hadn’t had the decency to thank him for it yet. The jerk.

“I’m not looking to be saddled,” Gavin said, his reaction more knee-jerk than authentic.

“Don’t knock it till you try it.” Luke smirked.

“You know what I mean,” Gavin replied before Luke could make a “riding crop” reference.

The idea of someone romantically involved in Gavin’s life was fine. The idea of that same someone permanently involved was not fine. He had a busy career that consumed a lot of his time. He made room for fun, sure, but planning a family and a future? No, thanks. Not only did that flirt too much with settling down, but it also set him up for a huge fail. A temporary relationship ending with both parties walking away was far easier than untangling the strings of a marriage—or, gulp, children. He hated to admit it, even to himself, but he was beginning to believe his brothers were far braver than him in that regard.

“I’m not blind. I know you each have incredible women at your sides, but you have to know you’re exceptions to the rule.” He slanted a glance at Cash. “You’re welcome for Presley, by the way. But not everyone is looking for forever.”

“Like we were?” Cash chuffed.

“Dude, you wrote her two songs,” Luke chimed in. Gavin was pleased to see Cash’s expression of chagrin.

“Hallie is the one who kissed me, so don’t accuse me of being predatory. I didn’t even kiss her back.” Which was less a comment of how chaste he was and more a comment of how she’d surprised the hell out of him, but still.

“And if she kisses you again?” Luke raised his eyebrows.

Gavin shrugged. “If she’s interested in more, why not?”

“Uh, a million reasons?” Cash said. “The main one being your brother is married to her twin sister.”

“Hallie’s her own person.” Gavin was beginning to understand how irritating it must be for her to be lumped in with Hannah all the time. Though he’d lumped her in with her twin as a reason not to give in to his attraction to her, hadn’t he? Well. That was ridiculous. Hallie was an adult. He was an adult. If they wanted to do naked, sweaty, scintillating adult things to each other and never look back, that was their prerogative.

“Yeah, and Will’s got a mean right hook,” Luke put in. He poured himself a bourbon and sat on a bar stool, a backdrop of liquor bottles behind him.

“She was the one who asked me to help her step out of her comfort zone. I’m going to give her what she asked for.” Gavin sipped his drink. “Whatever that entails.”

“Your funeral,” Cash said, and then Luke drank to that.