
In Will and Hannah’s living room, Hallie was bent over her laptop finalizing her sister’s itinerary.

Hannah swept into the room with yet another piece of Louis Vuitton luggage and added it to the pile. She and Will were off to France, a working vacation since Hannah would be performing at a special charity event there.

Hallie thought of how Gavin had said his family was full of workaholics and smiled. She could slot herself and Hannah under that column, too.

No sooner than she thought of him, her sister said, “Oh, good. Gavin made it.”

“What? Why?” Hallie plucked her glasses off her nose and reached for her hair, which was currently in a sloppy twist at the back of her head and—fantastic—there was a pencil stuck in there, too.

“What are you fretting about? He accepted your apology.” Hannah’s eyes sparkled when she added, “Besides, I have a text proving he thinks you’re great.”

“Stop,” Hallie mouthed as her sister pulled open the front door.

“Signed, sealed and now delivered,” Gavin announced.

Hannah took the envelope from his hand and thanked him, but instead of ushering him on his way, she invited him in with a, “Do you want a cup of coffee?”

“No, thanks. I—” But then his eyes skated over to where Hallie stood and he grinned. “Actually, yes. I was going to stop at Rise and Grind, but since you offered.”

“Perfect. Help yourself. You know where everything is.” Hannah held the door open for Will, who was toting more designer luggage.

“Is this the last of it?” he asked before greeting his brother with a “Hey, Gav” on his way out.

“Yes, that’s it. We can go. I have everything. You good, Hallie?”

“Uh—” Was it noon already? And was Hannah really sticking her here with Gavin? Alone?! Once again, the bravado she’d felt failed her when the object of her infatuation was standing in the same room.

“Lock up for me. I’ll send you photos of the Eiffel Tower.” Hannah hugged her, giving her an extra-hard squeeze. She must’ve sensed Hallie’s alarm, because next she whispered, “Enjoy your company.”

Hallie gave her sister a warning glare. “Be safe.”

“I’ve got her.” Will’s warm gaze landed on his wife. Hannah was in the best hands, which helped Hallie relax some about sending her sister over the big blue ocean without her. Will and Hannah gathered the rest of the bags and Hallie shut the door behind them.

“Can I make you one?” Gavin offered, pouring creamer into a coffee mug.

“No, thanks. I’m wired as it is.” God knew what she’d say to him if she drank more caffeine. She forced herself to sit, and then turned her focus to the laptop in front of her. She hadn’t expected to see him this soon, and as a result she wasn’t ready to execute the decision she’d made two days ago at the café. She wasn’t good at winging it. Life required planning. As much as possible.

He settled on the couch next to her, leaving little space between them. His piney, spicy scent surrounded her and she had to fight the urge to lean in and inhale deeply.

“What’s on the docket today for you?” he asked, easing back on the couch and crossing one leg ankle-to-knee.

“Oh, you know. A million things.” She gestured at the screen nervously, wishing he’d have sat in the chair across from her instead of beside her. She could barely think with him this close.

“Why am I not surprised,” he murmured.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she snapped.

He paused, the mug almost touching his lips. His perfect lips fringed with the perfect amount of facial scruff. Why did he have to be so damn attractive? It was irritating. “Nothing. You’re not still upset with me are you? I thought we agreed that was behind us.”

Right. Shoot. She was overreacting. He’d made her feel more than a little self-conscious since he’d said she was no fun and worked all the time. Especially since she continued proving his point time and again.

“Yes.” It was a strange response, but she didn’t dare try to form a complete sentence. Not while he was infiltrating her personal space. She could almost feel the hum of awareness between them—or at least stringing from her to him. Which meant she really should attempt to speak so he wouldn’t think she was a tongue-tied twit. “Um. Are you—what are you doing today?”

There. That sounded normal.

A slow smile spread his lips. Her mind blanked. He was too gorgeous. Especially in a navy blue suit and pastel pink tie. His messy hair tempted her to run her fingers through it.