“Bragging is unattractive.”
His laugh tumbled around in her chest, relaxing her further.
“Have you ever made love in a hot tub?” he rumbled into her ear.
“You’ve asked me this before.” She turned and pressed a kiss to his mouth.
“Well, I must not have heard the answer I wanted if I’m asking again. So. Have you?”
“Is this another challenge to break one of my rules?”
“If so, will you say yes?” A wicked smile overtook his mouth. She couldn’t resist.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. His fingers speared into her hair, which she’d piled on top of her head in an effort to keep it dry.
The brisk wind chilled their shoulders, but they made their own heat. Her hands wandered down his chest to his lap and he cupped her breasts as he moved his mouth on the side of her neck.
What started out as touching graduated to more, and even though the last thing she should do was indulge in the man she couldn’t keep, she couldn’t help losing herself in him.
Back inside, she curled against him in bed, warm from the hot tub as well as their lovemaking. She relaxed against him, her arm thrown over his middle, her damp hair on his shoulder. She’d vowed to push everything Mags had said to her aside, but one thought looped in her mind like the lyrics of an overplayed song.
Mags had crowed about consequences, warning that they always found you. What had she meant by that? Maybe something, or maybe nothing. Hallie fell asleep without arriving at an answer. She woke in the morning, groggy, having dreamed most of the night.
She couldn’t remember a single one of those dreams, but they’d left a film on her like a premonition of something bad to come.