To thank Hallie for her help this week, Gavin made reservations for them at the Silver Marmot, an upscale steak house downtown, a regular hangout for him.
The atmosphere was perfect for private conversations as well as romantic ones. If one was inclined to romance. He was beginning to think Hallie wasn’t, given the direction she’d steered the conversation.
“It’s the coolest toilet I’ve ever seen.”
He coughed into his glass and nearly spit red wine on his shirt. She’d been going on about the master bedroom’s shower, supersize with a bench and multiple sprayers. Just when he’d lapsed into a fantasy involving her beneath those sprayers, her naked body pressed to his, she mentioned the toilet.
“Sorry.” She sent a quick look around the restaurant. “I was carried away.”
He’d say. Ever since they sat down, she’d adorably reassured him that she didn’t steer Ruby wrong with the choices she’d made for his house.
“Don’t be sorry.” Her interrupting his shower fantasy aside, he meant it. “I was sincere when I said I trusted you. I’m sure you did a great job.”
She smiled prettily as she sliced into her filet mignon. The restaurant’s limited autumn menu featured additional toppings for the fine cut of beef. Gavin had chosen shrimp and clarified butter for his steak, while Hallie went with blue cheese and fried sage.
“I didn’t mean to talk about the toilet at dinner.” She ate a bite of steak. He watched her plump lips close over the fork, weirdly turned on by the idea that she hadn’t balked at the idea of steak. He had no problems with women who ate salads for dinner, but he preferred a woman who satisfied her appetite. In every way.
“Ruby said you nailed my style.” He popped a shrimp into his mouth, intrigued by the fact that Hallie knew what he liked. “How so?”
“Um.” She concentrated way too hard on stabbing a piece of broccoli. “I just...pay attention to details.”
“About me?” he fished.
“Sure.” She shrugged.
He couldn’t help grinning. “Like what?”
“Like the way you dress.” She gestured at him with her fork. “You favor the same style of shirt and pair it with an immaculately tailored jacket and trousers.”
He liked hearing she’d noticed him below the waist, but it was probably best not to say that out loud.
“Your desk is tidy, with only a few streamlined necessities on it. Odd, really,” she said almost to herself before taking another bite of her dinner.
“What’s odd about it?” He was curious now.
She finished chewing before taking a swallow of red wine. “Well, you’re not neat at home. I’m not saying you’re a slob, but in your closet, the clothes are hanging everywhere in no discernible order. Which was why I was rearranging them. Jackets. Shirts. Trousers. Ties.” She sliced the air with her hand as she said each word.
“I am not surprised you like order, Hals,” he said with a soft laugh. “What’s your closet look like?”
“It’s overflowing with clothes. Mostly neutrals and professional styles.”
“And the dress you looked so hot in a few weeks back,” he added.
She sent him a smile he felt in his gut. “Yes, among others I don’t wear.”
He found that very interesting. So interesting, he leaned forward in his chair. “Explain.”
She took a deep breath. “Hannah gives me her castoffs. Some dresses she’s worn for photos and doesn’t want to be photographed in them again. Others she never wore but thought suited me. Honestly, though, where would I wear fancy dresses?”
“Out to dinner.” He regarded her black suit jacket and blouse. “Not that I don’t like what you’re wearing tonight. I do. Your hair looks bright against black and your eyes appear more golden. Your skin is glowing.”
Her mouth dropped open gently. He loved surprising her, if only for that reaction right there.
“If you like the dresses enough to keep them in your closet, you should wear them. To work. To lunch. While doing housework.”
The joke caught her off guard and she laughed full out, drawing a few gazes from diners at another table. Damn, he liked the carefree sound way too much.