Chapter Twenty-Four


I’m at Club Nine, Archer’s nightclub, for Nate and Vivian’s engagement party, toddling along in a pair of borrowed shoes—one of the many pairs of Christian Louboutins Vivian owns. I’m doing my best not to resemble a newborn foal on shaky knees attempting to stand for the first time. Apropos, considering I’m navigating new territory tonight.

“How do you walk in these things?” I ask as Vivian and I come to a stop at the bar. I rest my hand on the surface, relieved to have something to lean on. My toes hurt. Like, every one of them.

“It’s all in the calves,” fabulous Vivian answers. “Takes quite a bit of willpower too. You don’t want to think about it too much. Actually, it’s a really good practice in mindfulness.” She says it so sincerely I can’t help laughing.

“It’s sweet of Archer to throw you guys an engagement bash.” Especially since he shut down the club to do it. I can’t imagine how much money he’s losing by closing the doors on a Saturday night. Nate mentioned the high demand to book the VIP room for next weekend. Archer evidently knows what he’s doing. He made his club more in demand by closing it to the public for one night. He does things his way and doesn’t apologize for it. It’s admirable.

That said, I also noted how happy he looked when Nate thanked him during a quick speech after everyone arrived. Archer has a head for business, but he’s not only business. He loves his family and would do anything for them.

Benji and I arrived together, but I noticed a gap between us as we listened to Nate gush over his bride-to-be. Nate held Vivian’s hand, thumbed her engagement ring, and promised to love her for eternity. My romance-loving heart did cartwheels.

There’s nothing official left on the agenda for this evening. Nothing to do but drink, dance, and be merry. Common for an Owen get-together, but my being here with Benji is new.

As in with Benji. As in I’m his date. He said he was sick of pretending nothing was going on. That if anyone could understand why he and I were here together, it was Will and Lainey. So, we entered the club holding hands. It felt like a finale of a romantic comedy. My arm in his, a frozen smile on my face, as I worried about what the world would think.

His dad was polite and nonchalant. Lainey pulled me into a side hug while giving Benji a “we’ll talk later” look.

“There he is!” Vivian exclaims. I jump, startled by her outburst. She rushes from the bar to embrace her younger brother, Walt, and crushes him into a bear hug.

It wasn’t long ago Walt showed up on her doorstep, preceded by an urn full of their father’s ashes, no less. He’s a recovering alcoholic. Viv says he’s doing well working for Nate and living in the Windy City. The pretty, tattooed brunette on Walt’s arm must be the woman he vowed to marry. Vivian has mentioned her. I can’t remember her name, but I know her own lapse with addiction landed her back in her home state of Georgia for a stint.

Vivian leads them over, her holding Walt’s hand, his other hand in the tattooed woman’s hand. When they’re close, Viv gestures to her brother. “You remember Walt.”

“Of course. How are you?”

“Hi, Cris.” He has a big smile and an angular face. He looks well. “This is my girlfriend, Dee.”

“I love your curly hair.” Dee is as wide-eyed as I was the first time I was steeped in Owen wealth. Walt appears less impressed, I assume because he came from Steele money.

“This place is amazing!” she calls over the music. “Are you Archer’s girlfriend?”

I open my mouth to correct her assumption when someone else does it for me.

“Hell no,” the slightly possessive voice behind me affirms one second before a strong arm wraps around my waist. Benji tugs me to his side. “She’s too classy to hang out with the likes of Archer.”

“How’s it going?” Walt asks before shaking Benji’s hand.

“Good, Walt. You?”

“Good.” Walt doesn’t answer like it’s a passing thought. He holds Benji’s gaze and nods while folding his hand into Dee’s once again. “Really good.”

Aww. I’m such a sucker for a happily ever after. I hope they find theirs.

“I’m going to show them around and introduce them to a few very important people, namely my future in-laws.” Vivian’s smile is contagious.

“Go, go. Benji can look after me.” And keep me from falling on my ass when I attempt to walk in these shoes again. I hold on to him for purchase just in case.

Vivian, Walt, and Dee walk through the club. Nate intercepts them and reclaims his future bride. He bends to kiss her before he shakes Walt’s hand and kisses Dee on the cheek.

“Was that a deep sigh of longing I heard?” Benji murmurs into my ear.

Busted. “I was standing in this club, at this very bar, when I asked Vivian to indulge me with stories of her and Nate. I’m a sucker for romance.”

“You never told me that.”