“Much as I want to give you your way, Firecracker, I’m committed to treating you to more than hurried, backseat sex. But there is another option.” He turns his head. I follow his gaze across the street to where a Crane Hotel towers over the surrounding buildings. Its glass reflects the moonlight boldly, brilliantly, and beautifully. “If you don’t want to wait, you shall not wait.”

I want to argue, but the word “hurried” stalled the idea of car sex. I want to take my time. I’m not sure how much more we have left. I’m learning to put my needs first. He’s a good teacher. I arc my neck to take in the glass and metal shrine that is the hotel. As much as I shouldn’t want to relive the first night I spent with him, especially with hectic feelings swirling around me like debris during a hurricane, I can’t deny myself.

“Lead the way.”

He takes my hand and we jog across the street, the paper bag holding our takeout crinkling against his leg with every other footfall. We’re laughing when we enter the lobby, the heady anticipation of what’s to come having overtaken us.

“Your best room,” he tells the front desk clerk. The Crane Hotel is not a place you rent a room by the hour. My stomach flutters with excitement at the idea of breaking an unwritten rule. While the clerk finds us a room, Benji turns to me and asks, “Maybe we should order donuts from Muse Elephant after all.”

“We can have those delivered for you, sir,” the clerk gleefully informs us. “Shall I add a bottle of champagne to your order?”

Benji shrugs with his mouth, impressed.

“You shall,” he answers her, then he pulls me in for a quick kiss.