Page 12 of One Wild Kiss

“You should take a jet. You’d be there before you know it.”

Sure. She’d just charter a jet.

“I don’t fly. But thank you.”

“You don’t fly?” One judgmental eyebrow climbed his forehead.

“No. I don’t fly. I like the wheels touching the road at all times during my commute.” Feeling more and more like a problem he had to solve, she asked, “Can you drop me at a car rental place? There has to be one nearby.”

She’d arrive later than she wanted—way later—but at least she’d be there.

“Why don’t I take you?”

“What? No. I mean, no, thank you,” she added, not wanting to sound ungrateful. “I wouldn’t dream of putting you out.”

“Did I not say I needed to take this car on a road trip? This is the perfect excuse for me to spend some time with her.” He stroked the dashboard and gave the car a gentle pat. Then he slid Addi a wink and she melted into the interior.

“B-but you’ll have to drive back. Won’t you be tired?”

“I’ll grab a room. Wouldn’t hurt to have a night away. Maybe you can take a break from your family and grab a drink or dinner with me. It’ll be fun.”

Fun? She might die if she spent four-plus hours in the car with a winking, eyebrow-raising Brannon who had a smudge of oil on his cheek.

He slid over three lanes of traffic with barely any effort, ignoring a blaring car horn when he did. Pedal to the floor, he whipped around a truck and opened up the engine.

“Gotta love turbo,” he said over the feral growl. “Give me ten minutes to change and pack and we’ll be on our way.” He slanted her a look, seeking permission. “Okay?”

“What about the office...”

“I’m a big boy. I can take off work to deliver my valuable assistant safely to Lake Tahoe. Unless you don’t want to hang out with me.” His tone was more of a dare than a question. “Am I skeevy? Is that it?”

“That’s not it. Stop making fun of me!” She nudged his arm and felt the hard muscle there as he shifted gears. Touching him casually wasn’t her norm. He felt like a solid wall. A very warm, solid wall. Whew. Was it hot in here? She fiddled with the vent and aimed the AC at her face.

“You’re very hard to treat. I practically had to beg to take you out for coffee on Monday morning. Now you’re going to make me beg to let me drive you to Tahoe when the very thing you need and want most is travel to Tahoe?”

Oh trust me, that’s not what I want most.

But she couldn’t refuse him. This sexy billionaire with a healthy dash of confidence was her undoing.

“Say thank you, Addi.”

“Thank you, Addi,” she said with an eye roll.

“That’s more like it.” He adjusted the vent in front of her. “Better?”

The best. Watching his fingers press the temperature control nearly gave her an orgasm. She really needed to get out more.

“A-as long as you’re sure I’m not interrupting any of your plans.”

“Nah,” he said as he weaved around a line of cars and angled for an exit. “I don’t have any plans tonight.”