Page 57 of His Forbidden Kiss

“You’re going to be a daddy,” Gia sang in a syrupy voice. “I’m going to be an aunt. I was upset Taylor didn’t tell me about the pregnancy tests at first—that I had to hear it from you, of all people.”

“Hey.” Royce frowned.

“I was being selfish,” Gia continued. “This isn’t about me. Taylor dealt with the news the best way she knew how. You should be glad she isn’t cutting you out of your life.”

“That’s Taylor. Selfless,” Bran said, and Gia nodded her agreement.

“Putting herself last,” Royce added. “She was trying to make this easy on me. I didn’t deserve it.”

“That’s true,” his sister said. “But you can always make it up to her.”

“Have you decided what you want?” Bran asked Royce. “Taylor’s letting you choose your level of involvement. Did you?”


He had compartmentalized. He’d ignored everything but work. He hadn’t dealt with it. And he clearly needed to deal with it. He’d had no idea what was in his head or his heart until his outburst.

“I need the room.” Royce stood and walked to the door. “Please.”

Bran and Gia filed out, Bran slapping Royce on the shoulder as he left. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Royce would figure out something. He wasn’t sure what yet, but there was no way he was living his life without the mother of his child. Without the woman he loved. He would figure out a way to win her back—to erase this painful memory and replace it with only good ones.

His cell phone chirped a reminder for the advertising conference call starting in five minutes. The last of the details before the launch. Horrible timing. Every time he turned around, he was putting his life on hold for ThomKnox.

There was a tired argument in the back of his mind about how this was his legacy and how he had to be here, that without him, ThomKnox would go belly-up. Only now it sounded like one excuse on top of another. Royce despised excuses.

Despised that he was making them.

“Fuck it.” He tossed his phone onto the desk and shut his office door, locking it behind him.

“Where are you going?” Bran asked as Royce blew by.

“Not here.” He stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor.

Bran caught the doors before they closed. “What about the conference call?”

“Handle it. I have to do something.”

Royce would never forget the look on his brother’s face as long as he lived. Pride stretched Brannon’s smile as he moved his hand away, his last gesture a nod of confirmation as the doors slid shut.

Royce was through making excuses.

Through living without the woman he loved.

A plan formed as the elevator slid down the shaft and by the time he exited into the lobby of ThomKnox, his mind was racing along with his heart.

He didn’t know if his idea would win her back, but he had to try. His last thought as he climbed into his car was, I’ll try anything.Everything.

Taylor belonged with him. It was past time he told her so.