Page 56 of His Forbidden Kiss

Bran laughed, which sent Royce’s anger soaring. “Do you hear yourself, man? How much could she possibly have meant to you if you dumped her on her doorstep?”

“I did what had to be done.”

“Listen, I’m as surprised as you are that Taylor is expecting your baby. But can you blame her for making a plan? Her life is about to change irrevocably.”

“Well, so’s mine!” Royce roared.

“Gia thinks you’re lucky Taylor told you at all.”

“Oh, you and Gia are talking about it now, too? Maybe the three of you should get together, decide my part and let me know.”

“Don’t be pissed at me. I happened to be there while Gia was ranting about what a moron you were. You know I always love a good conversation about what a moron you are.” Bran smiled, but then quickly grew serious. “Do you have any idea how miserable you’ve been lately, or have you been ignoring that too?”

“I’m fine.” If fine felt like he’d lost the outermost layer of his skin or like his heart had been mashed into paste with a crowbar, then sure, Royce was fine.

“You were fine when you were dating her,” Bran said. “Or didn’t you take time away from your busy schedule long enough to notice?”

His brother picked the wrong moment to needle him. Typically, Royce was able to be the bigger man. He knew when to let things go, and when to pursue them. He was the ultimate at picking his battles. Just not today.

“You don’t get to do this, brother,” Royce said, his voice low. “Not while I’m grappling with impending fatherhood. Not while I’m trying to hire a new CFO—a role that was mine for a decade plus. Not when I’m reeling over the woman I love not caring if I’m involved in our child’s life or not!”

The door to his office opened and Gia stood in the doorway, wide-eyed, her hand resting gingerly on the handle.

“Hey, sis.” Royce leaned back in his chair and threw the pen he’d been holding onto the desk. “Come on in and have a seat. Or should I call a staff meeting and announce to everybody what I’m going through?”

She traded wary glances with Bran, and then they both turned their eyes to their older brother.

Royce, beyond frustrated, huffed one word. “What?”

Gia’s eyebrows rose.

“Why are you both staring at me?” Royce tried again.

“The woman you love,” Gia said. “You heard that, right?” She elbowed Bran’s arm without looking at him, instead studying Royce like he was a specimen in a petri dish.

“I think I heard it. I’m stunned stupid.” Bran blinked.

Royce didn’t know what the hell either of his younger siblings were talking about. What he didn’t need right now was either of their opinions. What he needed was for them to leave him alone so he could—


Had he said that?

“Oh my God,” Gia said to Bran. “I’m pretty sure he just realized what he said. Do you think he didn’t know before we pointed it out?”

“I’m not sure. Let’s watch and see what happens.” Bran folded his arms and stared at his brother. Royce’s collar felt hot. His bow tie, usually nestled comfortably in that collar, was strangling him. Cutting off the blood supply operating his brain.

He hadn’t been using his brain during that outburst. He’d been speaking from his heart. And his heart had definitely not consulted his brain before those words had exited his mouth.

“I’m in love with Taylor,” he said for the first time out loud. Admitting it to himself while admitting it to his brother and sister. “I’ve been miserable without her. I felt like... Like I was sinking, with cinder blocks tied to my feet. No matter how hard I struggled to pull myself to the surface, the weight kept pulling me down.”

“Sounds like love to me,” Gia said softly. Her saying anything softly was a rarity, so Royce paid attention. “I felt like that after my divorce. I’d like to tell you it gets better. I want to tell you that the sinking, drowning feeling fades. I don’t think it does. I think you just learn to think about it less often. To grab little bits of air when you can.”

“Meanwhile, I wish I could tell you that you deserve this. That you entered territory you shouldn’t have gone anywhere near.” Bran shook his head. “But I can’t. Taylor did something to you. She changed you. In a good way. Even though I’m the one who suggested you break up with her.”

“You ass!” Gia punched Bran in the arm.

“Ow! I know, okay?” Bran rubbed his arm, grumbling about Gia’s pointy knuckles before turning back to Royce. “My point is that a baby...a baby is a big deal. And if you’re in love with the woman carrying your baby... Royce. You’re going to be a father.”