Nothing in her short life had prepared her to have a captive faery under her hands in a secreted hot spring. Honestly, Katherine wasn’t sure anyone could be prepared for this.
She’d lost track of time as she explored the lines of Urian’s naked body, and true to his word, he remained bound. Time slid past, the sun falling closer and closer to the horizon.
When he caught her looking at the sky again, Urian whispered, “We have until the moon rises, Katherine. An hour still. . .”
She looked back at him.
“Do you tire of your exploration already?” he teased, lowering his head so his forehead was pressed against hers.
“After today, I think you could recognize this body as mine with your eyes closed,” he murmured. Then, before she could think to ask if he minded, he added, “I am the luckiest creature in either world right now. You know that, I hope.”
Her hands trailed over his sides and to the tempting length between his legs.
Urian’s breath was yet again a shuddering gasping noise that made her feel powerful. “This is what you are. What I am.”
“And if I want more than I have taken so f—”
“Nottaken,” he interjected. “Accepted, Katherine. You accepted what I give freely, my body to your needs.”
She was quiet a moment, enjoying the way he strained toward her, relishing the noises he made. There was no need to ask if she was mistaken. After several hours, she could read him as surely as any book in her true language. Katherine was not so foolish as to think she understood all bodies, even all men, but she was certain that she was reading this man correctly.
“May I . . .?”
“Yes. Whatever the question, yes.” Urian gasped. After hours of touching him, this was the first time she wasn’t pausing to ask questions first. It was the first time she was certain she wanted to see him throw his head back in the shuddering pleasure that sheknewcould give him.
Carefully, Katherine eased closer, straddling him. Only the thin material of her underwear kept him from sliding inside her body. She’d moved over him this way earlier, testing, trying new things, and he’d stayed perfectly still at her request.
“If I asked you to unbind your hands, to hold me—”
“Yes,” he said.
“And if I ask you to touch me . . .?” She kissed the side of his throat again. “Would you?”
The noise he made was more groan than word, but she heard, “Please” between the sounds all the same.
“Are you asking?” he asked a moment later.
“Touch me, Urian.”
“Where?” He met her gaze, and his jaw was clenched as he waited for the answer.
“Anywhere? Everywhere?”
The smoky bonds that held his wrists vanished, and briefly she realized that he could have removed them at any point. They were for her comfort, not his.
Then his hands caught her hips under the water, and he pulled her closer. Her lips parted on a sound she couldn’t even name, and his mouth covered hers. The kisses, fleeting and lingering, that she’d given him were nothing compared to his mastery over her.
When he paused, he asked, “Tell me whatyoulike, Katherine. I’ve answered your questions. Will you do the same?”
“You. I like you,” she murmured.
He chuckled. “Thank the gods.”