Page 58 of Shapeshifter

She scuffed her shoe against the dirt. “I don’t remember anything.”

“Tell him,” Victor said. “What are you being weird for?”

“I don’t want to talk about it!” She stormed off.

I gazed after her in confusion. “What was that about?”

“I’ve been bugging her all day, but she won’t tell me anything about what happened.”

“She’s scared.” Maybe Margo was right about Alison being afraid of her.

“How was Margo when you left this morning?” he asked. “I heard you come in, but you looked wiped, so I didn’t want to ask questions, and you were still asleep by the time I left.”

“Asleep. She had warmed up a bit. Before she fell asleep, she was scared. She thinks Eli can control death, send it after us. I don’t know what she saw exactly, but it freaked her out.”

“The drama club is freaked out, too,” Victor said. “I heard Perdita on the phone with Tammie. She kept saying she didn’t understand what happened. Perdita talked her down, but gossip is going to be flying around town by now.”

“Hopefully, they’re leading with Margo being attacked by a psycho.”

“At least it’s only one psycho.” He nodded in the direction of the alpha’s house. “Guess who’s being bossy this morning.”


“Acting like we’re his army or something.”

“What’s the vibe about Margo today?”

He sighed. “Same crowd overreacting, but a man attacking a teenage girl has most people angry. You must be pissed.”

Hearing a familiar car engine approach, I breathed a sigh of relief. “They’re finally here.”

We watched as the car pulled into the driveway. Margo got out first, wearing a bundle of jumpers, her hat pulled down low over her ears.

“I had better go,” I said.

“Tell me everything that’s said,” Victor called out as I jogged over to Margo.

When I reached her, I noticed her gloved hands were trembling.

“Still cold?”

She nodded. “A bit. Not as bad. What now?”

“We’re going to have a meeting. I get to be there for moral support.”

She looked relieved. “Good.”

We headed for Byron’s house, Jorge to the front, Ryan taking the rear, as though we needed protection from the pack. As it was, several people were scattered around, staring at Margo as though she was on display. I held her hand a little tighter, grateful she couldn’t hear what some of them were whispering.

We gathered in Byron’s large kitchen. I noted the house was warmer than usual for Margo’s sake. Most of the werewolves in the room looked like they were sweating. Margo and I huddled together, next to her parents. The rest of the seats were filled up by Perdita, Byron, Jeremy, and Amelia. Nathan stood behind Perdita’s chair, a protective hand on her shoulder, while Ryan, Jorge, and Cecilia leaned against one wall.

Jeremy looked irritated, as per usual. “Is this a place for a pregnant woman?”

Nathan made a scoffing sound.

“I need her here,” Margo said.

“For what?” Jeremy sneered. “To paint a pretty picture?”