Page 29 of Shapeshifter

“They should be scared.”

I shot a scornful glance his way, but he didn’t even notice. “Check this out though. It’s meant to be a translation of some old diary. Anyway, there’s this one interesting passage.”

He groaned. “Read it out loud. My eyes are screwed up already.”

“Get glasses then. Just listen.The strangers came to lead the villagers in the hunt, boasting of their many trophies. In the end, though it was a bloody time, they were successful, and the forests were again safe. But while the elder men celebrate, the women wonder what will happen without the white wolves. Who will protect us from death itself now?That sounds important, right?”

“Why white wolves? Are they wolves at all? Is any of it real?” Victor sounded about as frustrated I felt. “What do the harbingers even want?” he continued. “Why is Margo important to them? Are they trying to save face? Do they want to scare us off? Could they be trying to protect her from us?”

“They must want to get rid of us,” I said. “If they’re connected to any of these stories in the way we think, then they used to pick off wolves. In their minds, we must be natural enemies. I wish I knew why. When I was little, I heard about harbingers, but never any real details. I only ever got this vibe that there was something out there to be afraid of, something maybe even the mad alpha was trying to run from.”

“But we’ve been here for years, settled in the open,” Victor said. “They could have come at us at any time. We should be going after them instead of waiting for them to come at us.”

The compound in the mountains hadn’t been a battleground. “There were little kids there, Victor. Old people, too.”

“There’s a pregnant woman downstairs,” Victor said harshly. “There’ll be little kids here, soon. Do you want to wait to see what they do to babies who might be wolves?”

That red rage burned yet again, but I had no idea what to do about it all. I knew one thing for sure: the harbingers weren’t getting anywhere near Nathan and Perdita’s baby without me getting in their way.



Nathan Evansand a rangy wolfhound had passed by my house at least times in the last hour. Finally, I brought out two cups of tea and waited for his next pass. He smiled when he saw me, taking the tea without a word.

I held on to my cup, drawing comfort from the warmth. The air was prickly cold, but it was nothing like the chill inside my stomach every time I thought about the harbingers.

“You shouldn’t be standing out here alone,” Nathan remarked after a few moments of us leaning against the garden wall. The wolfhound kept his distance from me, pressing his body against Nathan’s legs with a whimper.

“I knew you would be back soon enough.”

“Still a risk.”

“Any sign of harbingers around?”

He shook his head. “Anything to report from your end?”

“Nope.” I hesitated. “How’s Dorian?”

“Ask him, no?”

“It’s better if we keep our distance for a bit. If the harbingers are after me, then I’m a disaster waiting to happen.”

He looked at me. “What are you planning to do? Stay at home for the rest of your life?”

I shrugged. I had considered it after my latest rehearsal. I had been so jumpy that I’d been useless and then on the way home, I’d been on constant alert in case Emma or Chloe got hurt. I couldn’t handle the stress anymore. “Might be easier that way.”

“Why would you let them control you like that?”

I flinched at the sharpness of his tone. “I’m not.”

“They’re controlling Vira,” he said. “And now you’re giving up your entire life to hide from them. That sounds like another form of control to me.”

“How would you feel if Perdita got hurt because the harbingers tried to get to me?” I argued.

“Like destroying the harbingers,” he said lightly. “They must realise that if they push their luck too far, there’ll be no holding back anymore. We know where their compound is. They’re testing the waters with you, seeing how far we’ll go for you.” He looked at me as though he could see right through me, down to my soul. “And you’re already hurting Dorian by pushing him away.”

I stared at my feet, chastised. “I’m scared.”