Page 101 of Shapeshifter

“You’ll see it when you run with the full pack. You might not like that I’m kind of the opposite to you. It might end up being a problem for you or even the wolf. It’s okay if it is. You can tell me. I won’t freak out.”

“You’re an idiot,” she said, pushing me with her shoulder. “How can you say something like that?”

“It’s hard to respect the weak as a dominant wolf,” I explained.

“You said that Nathan is dominant, and he loves you.”

“That’s different.” I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Let’s head back and eat. You must be starving.”

Her stomach rumbled as if on cue. “I could eat.”

Food was one surefire way to distract a werewolf.



Byron decidedI should stay with the pack for at least a few days. Nathan’s self-defence class was my next test to see if I could handle myself around a crowd. If that went well, I could go home and even attend school and drama class as long as other wolves were around.

But first, I had to meet the rest of the pack. I had only run with Dorian, Amelia, and Ryan. I hadn’t even gone on a run with Byron yet.

It was Dorian’s idea that I meet Victor first of all.

“He’s the one who had problems with other dominant wolves,” he had explained. “If it goes well with him, then it should go well with everyone.”

So that was why I was standing alone on pack land, Byron and Dorian close by, waiting for Victor to appear. He strolled out of Dorian’s house, took one look at me, and then stopped. I took a couple of steps towards him. He mimicked me, down to the exact number. That was weird. I had no idea what I was doing.

We were close enough to talk, but all Victor did was stare at me. Something stirred in my chest, an odd feeling that I barely recognised. Had I felt it before?

I realised I was staring back, and I couldn’t look away. Physically couldn’t stop doing it. An anxious knot formed in the pit of my stomach, but still, I stared, lifting my chin, somehow feeling taller.

Victor looked at his shoes, and the knot loosened. I could look away. He shuffled up to me, and when he looked at me, I felt nothing strange.

“Hey,” he said. “You look better.”

“I feel better.”

“They’re waiting for us,” he said, nodding towards Byron’s front door where our witnesses were still watching.

“Yeah.” I glanced over my shoulder. “So what just happened?”

“Your wolf warned my wolf how bossy you are.”

I glared at him until he laughed.

“We sized each other up, and you won.”

“But I didn’t mean to do any of that.”

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. Has to happen.”

“Do you hate me now or something? You’re not going to try to challenge me like Alison, are you?”

“That idiot panicked. She must feel stupid now.”

I felt a little bad for Alison.

“Besides,” he said. “I feel relieved. Means I don’t always have to be on my guard. I can relax, too.”