Page 76 of Shapeshifter

“I don’t get why he’s being like this,” I said when they had all left.

“Are you crazy?” Mam asked. “This is insane.”

“Do you want me to die?”

“Margo,” Dad said warningly. “Don’t do that. Vira could be wrong about you.”

“I knew I was dying before Vira brought it up,” I said impatiently. “Eli knows it. That’s partly why he's messing with me. I can’t protect anyone if I’m dead. I don’t intend on giving up, especially not now I’ve seen how quickly werewolves can survive Eli’s attacks.”

“But a werewolf,” Mam said, a note of disgust in her words.

“My boyfriend is a werewolf,” I said. “It’s not like I hate the concept. Why are you all so hesitant?”

“Because there are no guarantees,” Dad said. “We’ve no way of knowing for sure how this will all turn out.”

“Will you hate me if I’m a wolf sometimes?” I asked bluntly. “Is that a step too far?”

“You know it’s not like that,” Dad said.

“I’m going to lose you to this,” Mam said, tears dropping all of a sudden. “No matter what, I’m going to lose you.”

“You’re not,” I insisted, though I was tired of the argument. “I’ll still be me but with a few extras. If you don’t want me to do it, then I won’t. I’ll sit here and wait to die. Will that make you happy?”

Mam burst into fresh tears, her head in her hands.

“Mam, I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to persuade you. I have to be realistic.”

“I want you to do it,” Dad said.

Mam looked at him, red-eyed. “What did you say?”

“She’s our little girl, and we always swore to do whatever it took to keep her safe. Remember why we moved here, hon. Nobody accepted her. Nobody looked past the abnormalities to see the beautiful person we knew her to be. Nobody gave her a chance. Ever since she met these people, they’ve bent over backwards to support her. They’re still doing it. They’re giving her a lifeline. I don't care what she turns into as long as she's alive.”

Mam didn’t say a word in response.

Dad nodded as though confirming something in his head. “Let’s see what Byron thinks, see if they can figure out how to do this properly, safely. If this keeps you alive, then I’ll support it. If I lose you to the pack, I don’t care. As long as you survive this, I don’t care what it costs me.”

“Thanks, Dad,” I whispered, genuinely moved.

Mam stifled a sob. “What if she dies?”

Dad looked at me, his lower lip trembling. “What if she lives?”



I leftthe alpha’s house then moved blindly towards the forest, but Amelia caught up to me and stopped me. “Wait,” she said. “We should talk about this.”

“Why are you giving her false hope?” I demanded. “We’ve never done this. We don’t know how! She could end up deformed or suffer even more until she dies. We can’t be sure!”

“She’s desperate,” she said. “Scared. She doesn’t want to die, not like this. We have to fight Eli. We have to win.”

“We can’t use Margo for that.” My face grew hot. “I won’t let you.”

“She’s running out of time,” she said. “And so are we. With Vira here, we stand a chance, but we’d be a lot safer if Margo was stronger. We’re desperate, too. That baby has to come home, and it’s up to us to make sure there’s a safe place waiting for her.”

“I need to talk to Nathan,” I said numbly. “I need to go.”