Page 21 of Shapeshifter

She patted my arm then left the room, leaving me feeling pushed out.

“She seems so down.”

“I’ll keep an eye on her,” Niall said. “So you let Byron know what happened.”

I exhaled loudly. “This is so frustrating.”

“I know,” he said. “For her, too. Tomorrow, we’ll start taking action. For now, take care on your way home. You should wait for somebody to pick you up.”

“I’ll be fine. Do you want me to hang around, watch over your place tonight? I can patrol the neighbourhood and—”

“There’s no need, son. If I hear anything unusual, I’ll call. I promise.”

Still feeling useless, I left. The self-defence class was about to start, so I headed there first. The classes would soon leave our property and return to the community centre once it officially re-opened. The sooner the better if harbingers were hanging around.

Nathan noticed me and pulled me aside as soon as he got a chance. “Where’s Margo? I thought you were both coming to class tonight.”

I told him what happened.

“Going after a bunch of kids.” His jaw twitched. “They made a mistake coming here.”

“We don’t know for sure who it was,” I reminded him.

“But you’re sure.”

I nodded, my shoulders slumping. “Who else could it be? I don’t want to worry anyone, but I’ve been on edge since earlier. My wolf can’t relax, and that’s not the norm for me. Something’s in the air. I can’t pinpoint it, but I feel off.”

“Byron’s with Perdita right now,” he said. “Do me a favour and let them both know what happened. I have to finish up this class, but then I’ll be over. Don’t go out tonight, okay? Byron will send people out to patrol, but not you, and never alone. Understand?”

Still feeling useless, I promised and made to leave. Victor thumped my arm as I passed.

“What’s going on?”

“I’ll text you,” I said. “We’ll talk about it later. I have to tell the alpha first.”

I headed straight for my house. Byron and Perdita were having tea in the living room.

“Something happened earlier,” I said. “With Margo.”

“Is she okay?” Perdita asked.

“Everybody’s fine. Nobody got hurt.” I took a deep breath, but my hands had started to shake. Somebody could so easily have gotten hurt.

“Sit down,” Byron urged. “Take a minute then tell us what happened.”

Nodding, I tried to see the event through calmer eyes. “Margo and I were with two girls from school, heading to get food. Margo had an episode. Sort of. It wasn’t as intense as usual, but she warned us off the road. A car came speeding towards us, deliberately went up onto the path, only we had jumped the fence. It sped away after that, and the windows were tinted, so we couldn’t see inside, but I’m pretty sure it was a harbinger. I got the reg, but I don’t know how much that will help. Either way, Vira must not have come alone.”

“She could have been followed. Sent to draw us out instead,” Byron said. “How was Margo afterwards?”

“Tired. Upset. She wasn’t cold or anything though. At least, no more than usual. She witnessed a normal death at the hospital yesterday, and now this. Maybe it affected her medication somehow. She said she’s been taking it, but she could have missed a day or something. I don’t know.”

“She’s been through a lot,” Perdita said. “And we still don’t completely understand her power. I hope she’s okay.”

“We have to find this harbinger,” I told Byron. “If she keeps having episodes in front of people, more questions are going to get asked.”

“Perhaps that’s what this person wanted,” Byron murmured. “You stay home with Perdita. You’ve been through a lot, too, and you’re noticeably on edge. That’s not good for the pack either. I’ll go out tonight myself with Ryan to make sure nobody’s hanging around Margo’s house. Has she reported this to the police?”

“She’s going to do it tomorrow. She’s too tired to deal with the police station right now.”